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  • Litter

    So we're getting talking lamp-posts now to tell people to pick up their litter. Why do people feel unable to tell people in person?

    Litter is such a problem everywhere - will anyone admit to dropping any? I have harangued the council, who do nothing (although actually they did provide extra bins along our new relief road after I emailed them). I am now working on getting Asda to provide some more, because its litter from their products which is blowing all down our wildlife spaces.

    This is funny: I harrassed Worthing council to put in a litter bin on our local wildlife walk, which went right thru our housing estate. They said (in print, I should've saved it) that residents would object to litter bins because they attract litter ...

    Presumably the residents preferred the litter blowing round their gardens.

    I just was out in the garden just now, when a Tic-Tac box came flying over the fence. I scrambled up, shouted 'hey you, put it in a bin' at the little kid (about four, what was he doing out on his own?) and threw it back at him. He legged it. I am now waiting for his dad to turn up to lamp me
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 10-04-2007, 12:40 PM. Reason: to insert a link
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    My immediate thought was seeing some bloke going up to the 'lamppost' and shouting "HELLO" just like Dom Joly

    "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


    • #3
      I remember when I was little that there were small litter bins on all the lamp-posts. Would think that was a cheaper option than all the microphones and surveillance stuff. In many ways it was a better time when an adult clipped your ear for cheek or littering.

      Oh dear, have I just turned into a grumpy old woman?
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        when no 1 techie son was little he spent a happy summer (aged about 2) apologising to everything he bumped into - rubbish bins, lampposts, people, didn't matter what, he said 'sorry'! Maybe that's what they're aiming for???

        As for rubbish, I usually pick it up and offer it back to folks, 'You just dropped this...' But then, I do like to live dangerously!!


        • #5
          Yes MB, that's definitely a safer way to do it...with humour/pretending to be batty.
          I have run after someone who dropped a fag packet in a busy street loudly calling 'Scuse me, you dropped something.' He was shamed into taking it back
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            It's terrible here in London. People just wind their car windows down and chuck litter out. It drives me mad. It's a matter of self respect in my opinion. I don't see how installing cameras that shout at you is going to help that.

            Also it is too close to Orwells 1984 for's bad enough that we are under surveillance all the time without the cameras ordering us about. It really makes me shudder. What use would a future dictator make of this technology? The people need to be protected from the state and their individual freedoms safeguarded.


            • #7
              I guess if we don't want this CCTV, we have to tackle the litter ourselves, as individuals. I pick up at least one piece every day while out and about, because the council don't do it (& if they did, council tax bills would increase)
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                we live on street of terraced houses & there are alleyways through to the next street people use these alleyways to dump things(TVs sofas micro waves & much more) the local council run tip is only 50yds away.
                the good thing is when reported it is quickly removed
                Last edited by bubblewrap; 10-04-2007, 01:42 PM.
                The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                Brian Clough


                • #9
                  People dumping stuff drives me NUTS. I dont know what its like everywhere else but if you phone the council here, they will come and uplift stuff like old tvs and furniture etc for nothing, within 5 working days.
                  Jules AKA Inca'smum


                  • #10
                    Yes, the council does come out when called, but at what cost? Increased council tax bills. The polluter should pay, but you never see these people dumping stuff do you? There's been a 2seater pink sofa in the hedges next to our bike lane for over 2 on earth it got there? The bike lane is cut off from the road for a few hundred yards. Unless someone tipped it over their back fence which is more likely.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Where I used to live was terrible for litter, even worse though was the empty buckfast bottles smashed evreywhere.

                      You would see these yob's drinking there bottles walking by and they would throw it at the ground/wall etc very horrid and dangerous.

                      It only seemed to be this type of bottle and idiot who drank it that would purposley smash them.

                      Makes me sooooo angry


                      • #12
                        We get loads of broken bottles dropped onto our main bike lane from overhead bridges: every day, probably the same people doing it. Their taste ranges from milk bottles to Shloer,Babycham to Stella. They dropped a whole fish tank once. The council only sweeps the bike lane every 6 weeks, when nagged. Not good enough. I now carry a little rubber brush and do it myself...its crappy, but better than mending punctures
                        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                        • #13
                          Several years ago now, a friend of mine would find a little *parcel* on her doorstep virtuall every morning. I told her to get up early and watch (from behind her shed) to see who was at fault. She did exactly that and waited for his return, scooped up the *parcel* on a trowel. Following at a distance, she waited until the person went inside, closing the door. Ringing the door bell, and the door opening she said "I believe this is yours" and dumped the said *parcel* on his step. She never had a problem again.
                          "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.” - Leo Aikman


                          • #14
                   gross! was it a human 'parcel' ? Or did he have a dog?
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #15
                              I was a council street sweeper for eighteen months and I can confirm that streets are litter picked regularly. But when you come back two hours later and it looks just as bad you wonder why you bothered! People are basically dirty today and don't care any more.
                              Even aliens garden!


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