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Horrible Landlord


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  • #31
    Originally posted by snohare View Post

    Zazen, I think I know where you are coming from, emotionally - but what about America, where the song lyrics by black rappers are full of the "n" word because it's okay for them to use the term - but if a non-black uses it, that's a different matter ? There's a case of contextual significance decided by the denigrated group; a sociologist would probably say they now "own" that derogatory term.
    Reclaiming a word to show the people that use the word against you that it doesn't affect you is still not 'okay'. Because the word is still used and still shows hate for anyone that uses it - whichever way it is used. It's a word of hate in whatever 'direction'.

    Whatever context it is in.


    • #32
      Originally posted by snohare View Post
      Baldrick, suddenly I find we need a vomiting emoticon...I now have the internalised visual equivalent of an earworm, like when you cannot get The Birdy Song tune out of your mind...

      Zazen, I think I know where you are coming from, emotionally - but what about America, where the song lyrics by black rappers are full of the "n" word because it's okay for them to use the term - but if a non-black uses it, that's a different matter ? There's a case of contextual significance decided by the denigrated group; a sociologist would probably say they now "own" that derogatory term.
      My attitude is, okay I might think something is off, see that an attitude is toxic, but if the person who the insult is aimed at doesn't care, then who am I to be offended on his/her behalf - I've seen that being taken badly, as being very patronising.
      Sad, isn't it. As soon as a person is taught that others of a certain group are inferior, their life is poisoned, however nice a personality they may have...and it rubs off on all around them. Cubbuge heids indeed !
      Point being that using a particular word MAY NOT mean thinking anyone is inferior. Of course you have to be careful who will hear you, people can be offended because they don't realise why it was said, or because they just dislike hearing the word (hence, limited Audience), but assuming that it can only be said in one context or for one purpose will never cure the real problem!
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #33
        Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
        Reclaiming a word to show the people that use the word against you that it doesn't affect you is still not 'okay'. Because the word is still used and still shows hate for anyone that uses it - whichever way it is used. It's a word of hate in whatever 'direction'.

        Whatever context it is in.
        Even when it is the name of a dog which lived in an era that thought nothing of the word... I do NOT accept that, that is simply blaming the word for the usage, and only compounds the real problem.
        Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


        • #34
          Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
          I seriously hang my head in shame for you.
          DON'T. I seriously object to anyone feeling any such emotion 'for me'. It is not anyone else's business to do so. If you dislike my opnion, that is your business, and you are entitled to think and say it, but don't adopt an attitude that you think I should have.
          You seem to be assuming that because I don't believe in the 'oooh that is a terrible word' scenario, I am advocating labelling people; this is not the case, I've been 'labelled' too many times, but words that are SOMETIMES used to label people can also have other uses!
          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


          • #35
            OK- I'm going to close this thread as I think peeps have probably said what they feel and it's time to move on.....
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


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