Dare I say but maybe we're all wrong here. Colin meant to post his message on the Jokes thread:-
Have you heard the one about the 2 plumbers who walked into a pub, one was 6'2 and weighed 16 stone, the other petite, pretty and blonde. Just as they were about to order their drinks there was a tap on the door; the barman looked up, puzzled?
"How did that happen? he said, to which the plumbers, who were the best of mates. answered in unison "Funny sense of humour - plumbers!"
Get it?????
Have you heard the one about the 2 plumbers who walked into a pub, one was 6'2 and weighed 16 stone, the other petite, pretty and blonde. Just as they were about to order their drinks there was a tap on the door; the barman looked up, puzzled?
"How did that happen? he said, to which the plumbers, who were the best of mates. answered in unison "Funny sense of humour - plumbers!"
Get it?????