Originally posted by salome2001
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Little girls & boys know what they are, and what's expected of them, from a very young age: they see TV all the time, adverts, images in the media, sneaky little subliminal messages: boys like "Bob", girls like princesses, that's what Western society* expects of them.
Girls are rewarded for being sweet & quiet, boys are encouraged to be tough, and rough n tumble, to kick a ball, to punch a bully, while girls are encouraged to play house & dolls. Even if the parents doesn't do these things, they are all over the TV, books, comics, they get messages from their friends, from shop displays, from other grown-ups.
It's far more acceptable for a girl to be tomboyish (in her early life) than it is for boys to be girly. She will encounter more difficulties the older she gets, if she continues to pursue her silly ideas about doing "man's stuff", lol.
I used to teach a delightful little boy (8) who was into X Factor, dancing, singing, playing with the girls. He just didn't like the boys and their stuff. The other boys did not hesitate to tease him, bully him, call him 'poof'... now where have they learned to be like that? Not all by themselves, that's for sure. They've been picking up cues and messages from their parents and other 'adult' role models.
He's going to grow up knowing he's different, knowing he's "not quite right". It's a real shame.
I now have a little girl (10) who is a tomboy ~ no interest in girly stuff whatsoever, she's tough, she's scruffy. She said to me on Friday "smell me Miss, I've got Lynx on". That was so funny, and so her. She has few friends, because neither the boys nor the girls accept her. It's such a shame, because she's really very sweet, caring and giving.
* In the West it's females who wear make-up (although it was Native Americans, Adam Ant & Maoris who got ME interested in it. If a woman refuses to prettify herself, she's called rough or unfeminine or worse.
In the West it's females who wear skirts, although Spartacus started it, and who's calling him 'poof'?
In the West it's now females who wear high heels, although they were originally adopted by men & women, simply to make short people (the Sun King) look taller, or for practical reasons, as by Mongolian horsemen & Egyptian butchers
Corsets were originally worn by men and women: because the fashion was for a trim figure, or for good posture. It's only relatively recently been fetishised as an alluring undergarment for the friskier female
Tights - were worn by men to make horseriding more comfortable. Henry VIII wore them, you can't get much more macho than him