Hypothyroid here also. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and I have been on thyroxine ever since. I can't re-emphasise enough the above points about sticking at it and finding a doctor who understands you and what help you need, though I also echo the sentiment that doing that is bl**dy hard when you're struggling with tiredness and brain fog
Without wishing to depress anyone (!) I don't think it's something you can ever get comprehensively sorted - my dose has gone up and down in response to 'the tests' saying I'm at this level or that level. Sometimes I feel great, others much less so, meaning I've had to go back and forth to the docs to get what's right for me, or (more often tbh) just suffer quietly. I think I need to go back again I'm afraid - CH on full blast, woodburner lit, two hotwater bottles and a blanket... I really shouldn't be cold, sigh!
