These posts are all so familiar......the tiredness, the struggle with day to day life and the struggle to get your doctor to take some notice of you.
I fought tooth & nail with my doctors for 7 years, even changed surgery twice before I even got a blood test! When I got the results the doctor said 'You know, you really are very ill....) Well, No sh*t Sherlock! I felt like Spike Milligan, who has "I told you I was ill..." on his headstone.
One year on and I have hair now. I'm not quite as tired as I used to be, my joints aren't screaming with pain when I move, my skin has stopped falling off and my libido has returned. My weight has dropped from 13st to a healthier 10st for my 5'2" height. I still feel very cold and can go from being warm in the house to feeling like a naked Eskimo after just seconds outside and getting warm again takes forever.
Being undiagnosed for so long caused problems when I finally got the LevoThyroxine. I had severe heart palpitations and had to be admitted to hospital twice. As I come from a family with a history of heart problems, my thyroxine dose is carefully monitored and I won't be on the full dosage I need for some time as it needs to be introduced very slowly to avoid heart problems.
It's been a long long drag, but I am so relieved to have finally been diagnosed officially and to get treatment. It's such a common condition that I'm surprised at just how many doctors ignore it.
I fought tooth & nail with my doctors for 7 years, even changed surgery twice before I even got a blood test! When I got the results the doctor said 'You know, you really are very ill....) Well, No sh*t Sherlock! I felt like Spike Milligan, who has "I told you I was ill..." on his headstone.
One year on and I have hair now. I'm not quite as tired as I used to be, my joints aren't screaming with pain when I move, my skin has stopped falling off and my libido has returned. My weight has dropped from 13st to a healthier 10st for my 5'2" height. I still feel very cold and can go from being warm in the house to feeling like a naked Eskimo after just seconds outside and getting warm again takes forever.
Being undiagnosed for so long caused problems when I finally got the LevoThyroxine. I had severe heart palpitations and had to be admitted to hospital twice. As I come from a family with a history of heart problems, my thyroxine dose is carefully monitored and I won't be on the full dosage I need for some time as it needs to be introduced very slowly to avoid heart problems.
It's been a long long drag, but I am so relieved to have finally been diagnosed officially and to get treatment. It's such a common condition that I'm surprised at just how many doctors ignore it.