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The Hypothyroid gardener


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
    ....I'm currently going through wheat withdrawal, and it's been driving me so crazy I actually went and bought some 'free from' rolls the other day.
    Stick with it lass - it doesn't take too long, although time-scales vary obviously.

    I'd try and stay clear of the 'gluten free' isle of the supermarket because having taken the gluten out they have to 'put something back' and it's usually potato starch or some other starch and all this does is continue to raise you blood sugar level as would the wheat - your body then goes on to grab all the 'stuff' and store it as fat. Not a good look


    • #32
      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
      Stick with it lass - it doesn't take too long, although time-scales vary obviously.

      I'd try and stay clear of the 'gluten free' isle of the supermarket because having taken the gluten out they have to 'put something back' and it's usually potato starch or some other starch and all this does is continue to raise you blood sugar level as would the wheat - your body then goes on to grab all the 'stuff' and store it as fat. Not a good look
      Yes, that's my current problem. Doesn't help that Mr.G just made us a lovely Lasagne for dinner! Ho hum.
      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


      • #33
        Lovely lasagne verses soretummy/bloated/tired/lethargic/weighgain

        There are ways around the lasagne thingy


        • #34
          Three pasta-free lasagne ideas for you:
          1. a layer of spinach and ricotta in pasta free lasagne
          2. Lasagne using aubergine instead of pasta
          3. layer thin frittatine with the bolonaise and a cheese sauce made of cream cheese, cheddar and milk/cream


          • #35
            another one here,it is also hereditary,my late dad had his goiter removed years ago,i was borderlin for years,looking back since the birth of my youngest 31 now,the medics would not do anything till it went altogether,by that time i was a mess,i was convinced i was going senil,felt so ill,angry and p off because i could not do what i thought i should,my fingers used to go blue and numb in the winter,even with gloves and mittens on,it was like someone had pluged the hoover in and sucked everything out of me,i gained a lot of weight,partly that and comfort eating,itching and still have that problem,only not so often,thank god,it's like being overrun with fleas,times i had someone look and see if i had nits lol,and lost a lot of hair,and still do,when i get the itches,it sends me mental,and very dry skin,wet letuce was not in it,and lots of time in tears with a lost brain,i am now on 100mg of thyroxineand have been aprox 6/7 years,time just flies,anyway up,aprox 3 years ago i had a chat with my very understanding DR,i was dignosed with depession on account of being so low for so long i was perscribed fluxetin,20mg per day,very slowly i felt a lot better but hated taking such pills,i tried to come of them and reclined in health,so DR had a chat to me,and i took the advice to have double dose for a while to boost me up ,and bingo it worked,have been back on 1 now for a long time and are still ok,am not happy at taking pills ,but i have now accepted that i have to,i still get times when i feel like am lost,can't be bothered my brains go a bit haywire,i just accept that this is how it will be from now on,over all tis great to back in the land of the living living,not the land of the living dead,the good thing now is my bodycklock is sorted out,i to dont feel the cold like before,because am running better lol,
            Piskies post about bloating and wheat also ring bells with me,have wondered if the breackfast cerial was to blame,so this has me thinking,i WILL look at the link put up,
            also your thyroid levels can alter between tests,this condition afects peeps in different ways,some get a few of the symptoms,and other like me seem to get the lot,for those of you around the change medics often blame that so always ask for a test,hang on,don't some chemists do this for a small charge,...this is the reason i not on the vine here and their,my brain wont function lol,all the best to our fellow peepsand those about to join us
            Just out of interest,1 of the daughter in laws,is an online sufferer,and her youngest now 11 is the same,poor mits got 2 sets of geneas with it in,...will now step down and pack to box away
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • #36
              [QUOTE=lottie dolly;938847],i was convinced i was going senil,felt so ill,angry and p off because i could not do what i thought i should,itching and still have that problem,only not so often,thank god,it's like being overrun with fleas,times i had someone look and see if i had nits lol,and lost a lot of hair,and still do,when i get the itches,it sends me mental,and very dry skin,
              also your thyroid levels can alter between tests,this condition afects peeps in different ways,some get a few of the symptoms,and other like me seem to get the lot

              Yes, I also get this itching every now and then which drives me crazy, I use E45 lotion (bought when it's on special offer) which I find helps a lot. I keep meaning to ask the doctor if I can have it on prescription. It's really embarrassing because you just have to scratch

              My doctor has been really good ever since I was diagnosed and I wasn't fobbed off with talk of it being symptoms of the change. I'm monitored with blood tests every six months but even so my thyroid levels do change in between - and that's when I get the "blips" - not feeling well, being tired etc

              Before I was first diagnosed I really thought I was going crazy, my hands would shake and I couldn't concentrate on the simplest task (still like it now sometimes). It was nice to know that others had been there before me and that I wasn't on my own. Realising that meant a great deal.

              Just as a matter of interest - are all of us on here with hypothyroidism female? Wonder what the ratio male/female with the condition is?
              Last edited by ladylottie; 25-01-2012, 10:21 PM. Reason: Forgot to say something
              Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


              • #37
                i have a used plastic hair dye bottle with moistureriser in,the fine long end is great on the head as it puts it directly on the scalp,it cools it down for a bit,then i gently massarge it in,leave all night,i wonder if its when the scalp/sckin goes dry,i have 2 large hand pumps of e45,1very thick,good hand cream,2 got by mistake is thiner,so i will give it a go in my little hair bottle,
                re the heart palputation is apparently the norm when on thyroxine,the feeling of fright,or scared of something,just ignore it,it depends od your DR how often you get a blood test,me 1 per year others 3 monthly,1 even tolled me 2 years,like tammy said,the medics do not pay it ithe attention it should have,it is sooo bebilatating,i also fount it interesting what piskie said about sinus problems,as am the same,another point Tammy raised was stress and overdoing things knock you abouy,although at the time you feel really well and must do,at the beginning of my probs,i used to have funny dizzy times when i often took a tumble,1 time broke a rib awwwch,bruising and grazing me knees lol,so there is a lot that can go awall,
                This is a good thread so helpfull to all,if only to know you not a mardy madom afterall,and you not imajening things,so THANK YOU TAMMY FOR HAVING THE COURRAGE XX
                Last edited by lottie dolly; 25-01-2012, 11:15 PM. Reason: added to
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • #38
                  Coeliac tends to go hand in hand with thyroid - not a lot of doctors know that!
                  Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                  Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by FROSTYFRECKLE View Post
                    I'm over-active so I'm a narky faced duracell bunny.
                    my hyperthryoid patients have four legs and whiskers, but I love your description! I usually try to explain that they are on an unintentional and unstoppable caffeine buzz...
                    Last edited by salome2001; 25-01-2012, 11:41 PM. Reason: late night speeling errar


                    • #40
                      Thanks for joining this thread Lottie Dolly. Your suffering has brought tears to my eyes (as well as the usual lump in my throat that is apparently called a thyroid) and I feel like a right moany cow now cos I feel I am bad but by the sounds of it alot of you are alot more worse off than me. Thanks also for your "thanks for having the courage" - I really hope we can all make a difference to each other - think Piskie will keep us on the straight n narrow! I feel quite humbled.

                      I think we are all female (so far) on this thread - are there any guys, with problem thyroids or other similar conditions, out there?

                      I am feeling quite well today but must try not to overdo it and dont want a blip next week to set me back - I have already learnt alot from you all on here so thanks I may even wash some pots later ready for next weeks initial seed sowings!

                      Much love and some of my precious energy to you all,


                      Tammy x x x x
                      Fine and Dandy but busy as always

                      God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

                      Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


                      • #41
                        My darling first cat Ollie (now sadly no longer with us) was diagnosed hyper just weeks before I fell dangerously ill before I was diagnosed - I feel he was trying to warn me Its funny cos we had spent several years trying to get then keep the weight off of him (he was so friendly that everyone used to just feed him treats - till I sent a letter round all my neighbours explaining they were harming him) and then all of a sudden he started to lose what he needed to and more - thats when we realised he wasnt well. Keep up the good work!

                        Originally posted by salome2001 View Post
                        my hyperthryoid patients have four legs and whiskers, but I love your description! I usually try to explain that they are on an unintentional and unstoppable caffeine buzz...
                        Tammy x x x x
                        Fine and Dandy but busy as always

                        God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

                        Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Finedon.Dandy View Post
                          .... think Piskie will keep us on the straight n narrow!
                          Say what? What'd I do?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                            Say what? What'd I do?
                            Suggest we may have wheat belly and ways to combat it - we love you for it ya see xxxx
                            Tammy x x x x
                            Fine and Dandy but busy as always

                            God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

                            Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


                            • #44
                              Oh my! I would never suggest any of you had wheat bellies But I do and it's shrinking with my wheat-less food - yaaay

                              Along with the shrining wheat belly is an increase in energy, less tired thorough out the day - it's early days, I've only been doing this for three weeks, but I am seeing improvements so I shall continue

                              Wheat! Pah - who needs it


                              • #45
                                TAMMY TAMMY TAMMY,slow down,thats how thing WERE for me,you have nothing to feel bad about,when it's happening to you,and you not understand what the heck is going on,of course you feel like it's only happing to you,is all fine and very natural,afterall you emotions are all part of the proceeding,as indeed with anything peeps not understand,STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP GAL you only human,
                                Like i said,thanks to my DR,i am way better,but only by sticking to her advice,we just have to accept that we will have blips as you put it,by our fellow peeps posting their own experiances,it will give others a better understanding of the condition,i think it's half the battle,know a few peeps with it near me,the GP's are not all on the ball with this,i was lucky enough to change to 1 that cares,please do not worry about me,for starters i have no little ones around me,1 thing for sure is,no matter what meds you take,you will always have bad times,i am used to it more now,it's a bit like mares tail on the lottie you never get rid of it,just keep it under controll you sound as if you already aware of when a blip is coming on,and the things that triger it,which is very good,remember your bad times before the twins,you concquered that 1,twice over,have word with your DR and ask about trying the fluoxatine,google it and have looksee,at the end of the day,i am just gratefull to my DR for her support,and understanding,and have to live with it,other wise,we would NOT have a life,i also had to admit to the fact,that during the 4 years of torement,i had aged,a very bitter pill to swallow,sorry if i gone on a bit,but the more info from personal experence,the better for peeps to understand,DON'T LET THE B'@@@@R GRIND YOU DOWN,xx
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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