allotment holders / gardeners are usually a tight fisted bunch..this year treat your spouse / partner...
buy them some cabbages - i ment to say flowers...
take them somewear special -
take them to homebase and buy them a new gardening fork...
i ment to say take them out to lunch or evening meal...
my wife used to be a allotment widow - i planted her some dailia's and lupins on the plot for her so she could use them for cut flowers now she has been encouraged to help even plan what she wants to grow.. who said allotment holders cant be romantic..
buy them some cabbages - i ment to say flowers...
take them somewear special -
take them to homebase and buy them a new gardening fork...
i ment to say take them out to lunch or evening meal...
my wife used to be a allotment widow - i planted her some dailia's and lupins on the plot for her so she could use them for cut flowers now she has been encouraged to help even plan what she wants to grow.. who said allotment holders cant be romantic..