Hope your all well,and you not got lost in the wood,have no idea whats gone on,on here,but havenot got the time to read the books lol,one good thing is,i have a nice coolness in my den,and have made the most of this heat {to hot to be outside}and just finnished the cake decorations,am very pleased with them,next week i will ice and decorate the cake's,set up pillars ext,then breath,oh and take pictures,
Hope your all well,and you not got lost in the wood,have no idea whats gone on,on here,but havenot got the time to read the books lol,one good thing is,i have a nice coolness in my den,and have made the most of this heat {to hot to be outside}and just finnished the cake decorations,am very pleased with them,next week i will ice and decorate the cake's,set up pillars ext,then breath,oh and take pictures,