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  • #31
    Hi Jules. Hope you were able to ask all the questions you wanted like if there is a reason BH is now diabetic (related to medical history) or just pure bad luck. Guessing you should be referred to an endocrine specialist to answer that.

    Is the nurse you are going to see a nurse at you GP practice that deals with other conditions within the practice or is she a dedicated diabetes nurse? She will be able to give you advice on diet but you are entitled to see a dietician. If she is a dedicated Diabetes nurse that is fine. In my experience a GP nurse that simply deals with the diabetics at the GP practice where she works will not have the detailed knowledge of the later.

    For example; when I had to start having insulin jabs the nurse at my GP clinic told me to put my used needles (sharps) in an empty bleach bottle with the child safe top, then throw it away in my normal household refuse. A few years later when I went to meetings I was referred to through an diabetes and endocrine clinic I found out that I could have been fined £1000 for doing that. I had to ask to be prescribed sharps containers. My daughter is a tattooist and always thought there was something wrong about what I was originally told to do.

    It's like everything else in this country, we don't always claim what we are entitled to. There are government guidelines that set out the care you are entitled to as a diabetic. Claim it. It's BH's and yours.

    Sorry if I sound as if I am ranting but it makes me so angry when people are left uninformed and end up having to find things out for themselves when it was the job of a 'professional' give them the facts and the options that would potentially change their lives.

    Take care Jules and BH. X


    • #32
      Thanks DK.

      I think it's just one of those things, rather than any underlying cause. I asked the doctor about BH's lack of gallbladder, about the double risk to his eyes with his PDS. She didn't rush us, explained a lot but said that we should meet Janine, who is a dedicated diabetic nurse because she knows more than the doctor. Also, there is a mobile retinography unit that comes to our surgery once a year - good to know.

      BH has just been to a tribunal for his mobility allowance, and got it awarded for a further 5 years. It took us months of stress to get that tribunal, and now he's being reassessed by ATOS as his incapacity benefit is changing to ESA(?) so it's just stress after stress at present.

      Last edited by SarzWix; 24-02-2012, 10:28 PM. Reason: Sorry Jules, I agree with the prefix, but 'family forum' etc...

      Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

      ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

      Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


      • #33
        Well it sounds like a good start anyway. At least the mobility allowance will give you a breather on one front.

        ATOS? Sorry Jules but I have no idea what this organisation is. But it sounds like it must be attached to some government department somewhere.
        Last edited by SarzWix; 24-02-2012, 10:27 PM.


        • #34
          Just read through all this, and really sorry to hear about this new stress Jules It's horrible when health issues start to pile up like that, you begin to feel victimized by your own body. Hope your BH can come to terms with this one once it's under control.

          Do you know if his adrenal function has been checked? I came across this when I was looking into thyroid dysfunction, and malfunctioning adrenals can lead to problems with how the body deals with sugar. There's also a link to stress there too, which it sounds like you've had plenty of! Have a Google and see whether you think it's worth raising with the GP/endocrinologist.


          • #35
            Thanks Sarz. I was going to ask about his kidneys. I don't think he's ever had kidney issues, but a recent scan to check his drainage system revealed that one kidney is much bigger than the other, normal sized, one.

            I'll ask the diabetic nurse on Monday. I'm quite worried about his endo system because he had such a bad time with his gallbladder before they finally removed it (revoltingly, we still have the duck-egg sized stone preserved in an acrylic paperweight - a gift from the DD) and I wonder if there was any damage to his pancreas etc.


            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


            • #36
              Originally posted by donnakebab View Post
              Well it sounds like a good start anyway. At least the mobility allowance will give you a breather on one front.

              ATOS? Sorry Jules but I have no idea what this organisation is. But it sounds like it must be attached to some government department somewhere.
              ATOS are the idiots contracted by the government to get you back to work. You have to fill in huge forms, go for assessments and interviews and the see whether, or not, you are fit to work with your disabilities. We know someone who's quadriplegic and was assessed as fit to work by these people. Although we won the Mobility Allowance tribunal, it seems that ATOS then immediately call you in for reassessment and even if you win their own appeals they continue to reassess you - which means starting from scratch every time. They continually reassess my brother in law because "once his Parkinson's Disease gets better" he can go back to work as a plumber! He says he can't wait for it to get better.............


              Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

              ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

              Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


              • #37
                Originally posted by julesapple View Post
                After that she's putting him on tablets for his 'hugely high' cholesterol level. The Bh's level is 6.0 which I don't think is too bad for a non-diabetic but as a diabetic that's too high. Next week he's booked in to see the Diabetic nurse and get some info on diet and health.
                That's the other major problem with Diabetes, The goal posts for what's healthy and what is not change. For example last year I had my blood pressure checked before I was diagnosed with diabetes and it was fine. This year I've had my blood pressure checked and it was lower than last years but borderline.

                The statin's that he'll be given work well. My Cholesterol was similar and within 3 months it was down to a good level (although then they go on about ratio of LDL to HDL and it all gets a bit annoying). The main thing is change to a spread like Benecol or Flora Pro-Active and use Olive oil rather than vegetable/sunflower oil. Try grilling rather than frying and don't worry about the snacking as after a few weeks of taking Metformin his appetite will be less.


                • #38
                  are you still taking the statins buleste?


                  • #39
                    My cholesterol was 4 point something the last time I had it checked. They wanted to put me on statins but I refused. Supposed to have the flu jab too but I don't bother. First time I had it after diabetes diagnosis I felt s**t for days. Fingers crossed haven't had flu ever and if I have I didn't know.

                    It all boils down to looking after yourself. Diabetics are supposed to be slow to heal from wounds. I had a tattoo last year (daughter is a a tattooist and amazing artist), and she reckoned I healed faster than most of her 'non issue' clients. Before anybody asks I had a tattoo on one of my legs. I have the ugliest legs in the world, always have had. Never wear skirts or dresses. So the plan is to cover my legs in amazing art work and get them out occasionally on the beach in Pembrokeshire. I digress!


                    • #40
                      Sorry to hear this Jules.
                      But as an ex-nursing home head cook please reassure BH that it although may need a rethink on some aspects of his diet it wont destroy his enjoyment of food.
                      As others have said, see a specialist diabetic dietician or two..they do vary a little on what they advise.
                      And wait until the tablets have stabalised his BS levels before making dramatic changes that may not be permanent. If he keeps altering his diet while just starting the tabs his blood suger will yo-yo, which will make it hard for the docs to get steady readings, so make changes slowish and steady. Not just stop dead.
                      I wont say cut this or eat that as diet advice will have changed since my days, just try to eat healthily as much as possible. High suger, high fat diets aren't good for anyone, just much worse for diabetics. Some foods and herbs are much better than others at reducing the peaks and troughs of insulin levels, which is what he will have to aim for.
                      And on a ps note, one of my residents' husband was a confectioner. He used to make her chocolate to his own secret recipe which DIDN'T include an artificial sweetner and was universally declared wonderful...we tried to persuade him to get it made commercially, but he said he had enough hassles in his life without that. I never knew the recipe, but give BH a big kick up the backside, chefs and chocolate makers should be able to think will give him a project to work on researching different ways to make it.
                      And if that sounds a bit flip it isn't meant to be, diabetes needs to be taken seriously...but once he has calmed down and gone through the initial learning curves it shouldn't be allowed to rule your lives.
                      Hugs to you both...
                      Anyone who says nothing is impossible has never tried slamming a revolving door


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by taff View Post
                        are you still taking the statins buleste?
                        I have this horrible feeling that I'll be on them the rest of my life due to the family history.

                        Mind you I've got my results from my latest set of blood tests to discuss next week so if they're good I'll see if I can come off them until my next round of tests 3 months later.


                        • #42
                          Ta. I just wonder, because I sort of see it like anitbiotics, once you've taken the course and they've had the desired effect, why can't you stop taking them.....
                          No-one has satisfatorily explained why you have to keep taking them if your cholesterol level has returned to acceptable, and you have changed your diet and lifestyle to prevent it going up again.
                          Course, I could be being completely naive there.


                          • #43
                            We were supposed to be having a first appointment with the diabetic nurse at 10.10am, but she's just phoned to rearrange it for 5pm tomorrow instead. Apparently, we were booked in for a routine appointment not a first one, despite the BH telling the receptionist three times that he needed a first appt.

                            Dang....I'd got him all ready too.


                            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                            • #44
                              Good luck for tomorrow Jules. Write down some question so you don't forget. It's easy to get side tracked at these appointments.


                              • #45
                                DK, do you know, when we saw the doctor last Friday, she explained everything really well and then asked the BH if he had any questions and he! For Heaven's sake! good job I went with him as I had plenty of q's to ask about his pancreas, eyes, numbness in his legs - he has problems with these things and I know they can be exacerbated by diabetes. I know he was probably a bit overwhelmed, but still.


                                Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                                ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                                Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


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