Oh dear- I hope I've not poisoned myself!!!
I've been pottering around the house doing bits and bobs and thought I'd go and check on the seedlings in a spare bedroom.
I noticed the 'pea's had grown beyond their third set of leaves and gently nipped them out and decided I'd better get some water handy cos they're needing regular watering now.
.....and soooooo I thought "oh- I wonder how sweet the tips are?" -( having read a post this morning about yummy peashoots), shoved a few in my mouth and saved a few for my OH to try them.
As he was munching them I said-"guess what these are???"
"No idea!"
"pea shoot tips" says I
"noooooo" cried OH spitting them out..." they're SWEET peas"
I've been left with a bitter taste in my mouth...ewwww
If I'm not around for a while- you'll know why!!!
Anyone else done anything like that whilst sort of day dreaming???...or am I the only 'Bear of very little Brain' ???

I've been pottering around the house doing bits and bobs and thought I'd go and check on the seedlings in a spare bedroom.
I noticed the 'pea's had grown beyond their third set of leaves and gently nipped them out and decided I'd better get some water handy cos they're needing regular watering now.
.....and soooooo I thought "oh- I wonder how sweet the tips are?" -( having read a post this morning about yummy peashoots), shoved a few in my mouth and saved a few for my OH to try them.
As he was munching them I said-"guess what these are???"
"No idea!"
"pea shoot tips" says I
"noooooo" cried OH spitting them out..." they're SWEET peas"

I've been left with a bitter taste in my mouth...ewwww
If I'm not around for a while- you'll know why!!!

Anyone else done anything like that whilst sort of day dreaming???...or am I the only 'Bear of very little Brain' ???
