We've been told by our local council that they won't be switching the water on this summer at the allotments. Our allotment rep was told that the pipes had burst because "someone" switched the water supply on over winter and the water froze, hence bursting the pipes. The council implied that the "someone" was the allotment holders.
Our rep pointed out that no one on the allotments has a key to open the hydrant which allows water to our allotments. (thats why he asked the council to switch it on).
Could it be a coincidence that our allotments form part of the councils grand plans for redevelopment of the area, and we have been targeted for new housing? We, and many local residents, are opposed to this (obviously).
Do we have a right to water? I guess probably not. But is there anything more we can do about it (except hope it rains and set up more water butts)??
We've been told by our local council that they won't be switching the water on this summer at the allotments. Our allotment rep was told that the pipes had burst because "someone" switched the water supply on over winter and the water froze, hence bursting the pipes. The council implied that the "someone" was the allotment holders.
Our rep pointed out that no one on the allotments has a key to open the hydrant which allows water to our allotments. (thats why he asked the council to switch it on).
Could it be a coincidence that our allotments form part of the councils grand plans for redevelopment of the area, and we have been targeted for new housing? We, and many local residents, are opposed to this (obviously).
Do we have a right to water? I guess probably not. But is there anything more we can do about it (except hope it rains and set up more water butts)??