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bleurgh!!! thats how im feeling right now


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  • bleurgh!!! thats how im feeling right now

    im in an honest to god terrible mood. Not a temper mood just a bit of a cant be bothered mood.

    The allotment has really got me down, i went the other day waded through mud several times to take some stuff down to the plot and it was just awful it felt like a chore more than anything. I wanted to get the shed down there this weekend but thats not going to happen, its too muddy to carry it down there. And i honestly look at it and see this dreaded piece of land that is a nightmare to get too. Im going to though, just cover it with plastic for the first year and grow in pots, get the shed and chickens set up this year and the greenhouse.

    Im stressed out with everything with boo's school and i look like a pizza face!! i have never had so many spots ive now resorted to putting some peroxide stuff on it, to try and get rid of them (its from the doctors!) ive never been as fat as i am, since learning to drive ive put on a stone, im not right happy about that, but i have got a cross trainer off of pre-loved that i pick up on thursday, i just have to be careful with my m.e and do minimal

    All in all im a bit of a whingebag really

  • #2
    But today is the first day of Spring ......days will get warmer and longer and therefore things can only get better ....
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #3
      Following on from ^^^^^ the sun is a great healer. It dries up the mud so your allotment will be more accessible, it dries up "spots" and you'll look tanned and healthy, you'll want to be outside longer and walk more and be more active, so your extra weight will go.
      AND... always look on the bright side of life, dedum, dedumdedumdedum


      • #4
        are you trying to run before you can walk,Rome wasn't built in a day,so i was tolled lol,you have a few weeks yet before desperate sets in,and am sure you will get some really good weather before then,then peeps will say i want rain,chill out you will be fine
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • #5
          I'm totally with you, I feel like narky-beast-from-hell at the moment, have done for the last 2 weeks. I'm annoying myself now! For me, 'tisn't the allotment getting me down, it's the sh*tty, annoying, I'm-bored-with-this-now Open University course I'm doing. I hate it, and I want it to go away now and let me get on with something more interesting instead. And sitting at a desk makes all my hurty-bits more hurty I might be coping with it a bit better if there was any prospect of being able to take a break from it, but they've changed all the fees this year, and if I take a break my fees will jump to �2500 a module instead of �700, so I'm stuck for the next 3 years

          Buying a cross-trainer was a great idea - we bought one second-hand after Christmas and I just love it. I've not got ME, but I do have HMS which is very similar in a lot of ways, and I found that starting off on the lowest resistance and only doing 5 minutes at the most to begin with was doable. Then gradually build up by a minute or 2 each time. Don't do it every day, do it every other, and then you get time to judge your body's reaction to it without doing too much damage. Good luck with it x


          • #6
            Chin up butt! We all have down days/weeks/months/years/decades Makes all the good moods worth it though!


            • #7
              Something will come along soon to lift your mood I'm sure, try to keep smiling both of you
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • #8
                Thanks everyone, I'm feeling a bit better today - thanks to your posts! Your all right spring is here and the allotment will dry out as and I willget a nice tan whilst I'm down there I'm at my mums right now watching a couple of blue tits nest in the bird box outside and we are going to a little tea house today as well as the garden centre. And I had a really good sleep last night - that always helps - no more whinging from me I promise x


                • #9
                  Have a lovely day - sending you lots of positive thoughts and hopes


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by boosmummy View Post
                    Thanks everyone, I'm feeling a bit better today - thanks to your posts! Your all right spring is here and the allotment will dry out as and I willget a nice tan whilst I'm down there
                    A bit of dry weather and some sunshine makes all the difference, glad to hear you're feeling a bit brighter.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #11
                      my advice and I'm not being flippant here is to get or watch a cat - they always have the ability to cheer me up with their don't give a monkey's attitude to life, they do what they like when they like and it's an inspiration to me sometimes.

                      For example mine came in last night and took the effort to sit right next to me before it hocked up whatever it had found outside and then proceeded to bugger off and leave me to clean up the mess... i took that as inspiration to clear off to the gym and let my husband clear it up.

                      Seriously though it might just be the change of seasons - at this time of year I get spring insomnia and my tinnitus gets about 10 times worse so it is a funny time of year, just when you think you should be feeling great you end up feeling carp!

                      Chin up all and remember ... what would the cat do.

                      So long and thanks for all the fish.........

                      I have a blog

                      I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.


                      • #12
                        I usually get a black bin bag and wander round trying to throw things out. I usually end up throwing out a carrier bag full of stuff, but hey ho, thought that counts etc.....
                        get outside or watch a comedy or something funny. It really does work, but you have to do it to start with.
                        working a bit at a time focuses you on a task so you can't think, watching a comdey makes you laugh so you snap out of it.


                        • #13
                          Change of seasons could be right . I remember my Mum telling me that they used to be dosed up with brimstone and treacle to stop them from being out of sorts with the change of seasons.....bleeurgh
                          S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                          a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                          You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                          • #14
                            go plant something seeds seedlings anything at all you will feel a lot better with dirty finger nails!!


                            • #15
                              I've been feeling like that lately. Feel a bit better now - I cut the lawn day before yesterday and managed to get to the allotment for a couple of hours today. It's true the sunshine makes you feel better, you just have to make the effort to get out in it


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