For my sins, I've ended up involved in a community project to create garden plots and a community orchard. We've got the local primary school involved, as well as a fair few of the local community (aside from those who'd rather complain about us growing things; odd when the developers are nicking any land they can get), and a few weeks ago we signed the lease! It's a private initiative run by volunteers, so funding is thus far what we can scrape together out of our own pockets.
The problem we currently face is a need for 350-400 metres of deer fencing. Unless we can get hold of this soonest, we'll miss 2012 as a growing season, which in turn will see people not sign up for plots, which means we'll not even meet the costs of the lease.
Sorry about asking, but with the problems we've had since the end of 2011 trying to make this happen, it's a right royal pain if we get scuppered because of the lack of a deer fence!
Moderator comment - any ideas where we can get fence panels from?
The problem we currently face is a need for 350-400 metres of deer fencing. Unless we can get hold of this soonest, we'll miss 2012 as a growing season, which in turn will see people not sign up for plots, which means we'll not even meet the costs of the lease.
Sorry about asking, but with the problems we've had since the end of 2011 trying to make this happen, it's a right royal pain if we get scuppered because of the lack of a deer fence!
Moderator comment - any ideas where we can get fence panels from?