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  • #91
    Having read that AP, I'd definitely find in your favour (if I was the Judge). They have exceeded their statutory powers - end of story. To the Tower with them all (or whatever the Scottish equivalent is).
    I wish you every success - and have every confidence that you will win.


    • #92
      VC, you are almost correct. They don't have any powers to exceed because they have neglected to give themselves the power. Shame really. Seriously though, there has been a shift in power with the local elections up here and I think there is a will to get things sorted.


      • #93
        I suppose that's what I meant to say AP - but you say it with more authority! Have there been significant changes after the local elections? Anyone gone who was a real thorn in the flesh?


        • #94
          Labour, the party odf the working man has most seats. Says it all really, allotments were created for the labouring classes.


          • #95
            good luck still.....


            • #96
              And good luck from me, too.
              If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


              • #97
                AP if your not careful we will organise a whip round and buy you a wig, you know one of them lawyers jobbies.

                Keep the faith.

                Potty by name Potty by nature.

                By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                Aesop 620BC-560BC



                • #98
                  Positive start to the day. Confirmed labour group have managed to form a working coalition with Conservatives (3 in number) and independents(also three in number). I've emailed the leader of the labour group who is also my local Councillor and asked him a pertinent question. ' What can you do for me as regards the Court Action?' I suspect the answer may well be that it will have to run its course but let's see.


                  • #99
                    Any news yet? hope all is ok


                    • D@mn, I thoght there might be something here already. Ali

                      My blog:

                      Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                      One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                      Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                      • I've only just come across this thread. What a carry on. Well done AP for standing up for yourself and fellow plot holders.

                        Wishing you all the very best.
                        My blog -


                        • Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                          Any news yet? hope all is ok
                          HF, Court hearing is next Thursday. I'm trying to be as normal as possible and continuing to work my plot as if the Court Action didn't exist. Set up ridges for my early spuds today despite the rain. There's only so long something can be put off.


                          • Originally posted by Ananke View Post
                            I've only just come across this thread. What a carry on. Well done AP for standing up for yourself and fellow plot holders.

                            Wishing you all the very best.
                            Ananke, thank you. Just noticed you are based in Glasgow. Part of my gripe with our Council was that when they tried to justify their rent increases, they said our plots were twice the size of those in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

                            They said Edinburghs full sized plots were 180squ metres but in fact Edinburghs range from 180 - 250 Squ metres. They said Glasgows were 160 squ metres but the average size of Glasgow's plots(including half plots) ranges from 150 - 200 squ metres and some are as big as 250 squ metres.

                            The size of our plots also mysteriously grew from 250 squ metres - 300 squ metres in a four month period according to a couple of reports compiled by Council officers in 2009 yet they instituted a plot measuring exercise in 2011 which proves they didn't even know the size of our plots to start with.

                            The Court has been made aware!!


                            • 4 sleeps then hopefully things will get sorted out. Before the last hearing, I didn't get a full nights sleep for days and days on end. Not so phased this time around for some reason. If the Scottish Executive tell us that a local authority is not entitled to collect rent for allotments under regulations that have not been confirmed by the Scottish Ministers and Aberdeen City Council admit that they do not have a Regulation for rent that has been confirmed by the Scottish Ministers, then how can they possibly expect to be entitled to evict a tenant who refuses to pay what they are not entitled to collect?


                              • Now only three sleeps but little things happening that will help prove my case. For instance, I have mentioned that the proximity of pigeon lofts (some of which the Council are obliged by law to remove) has encouraged vermin. I found a rat carcase this morning. Now duly photographed beside the front page of the local newspaper to prove that is current. Also managed to catch and despatch the rabbit that had made it's way into my plots. Also photographed in a similar manner.

                                Up here the rent for land let for allotments is the fair rent for the use of the land for the purpose. We don't have any perimeter fencing and we are in an area populated by rabbits and frequented by roe deer. Plots are provided to grow vegetables. What is a plot worth for that purpose with rabbits about. I submit not a lot. Our Council charging £77 for a full plot unfenced. Local private plots £24.

                                Thanks for the support and the 'likes' , hugely appreciated.


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