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  • I wish you good luck AP even though I'm sure you don't need it.

    You'll need a media agent when you win. Get the local press involved. It would make a fab story to make into a film and earn you lots of money that you could plough into allotment cause (If you wanted to).

    Me and VC are available for promotional photo shoots. Sorry I'm high on pain killers. Better check with her first but you know what she's like.


    • [QUOTE=donnakebab;992210
      Me and VC are available for promotional photo shoots. Sorry I'm high on pain killers. Better check with her first but you know what she's like.[/QUOTE]

      I'm not sure how to take that DK . Lets just say, I'm available for anything!
      Last edited by veggiechicken; 16-05-2012, 11:59 AM.


      • Right guys, case adjourned until 5th July after I dropped a bit of a bombshell on the Court. Full details later.

        p.s. New leader of Council says they will be putting things right. Adjournment gives a bit of space to do exactly that.


        • You are the master of suspense, AP


          • O the suspense! More waiting - we are all biting our nails
            Good for you dropping the bombshell - that should get them out of their comfort zones!
            Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


            • " Putting things right" That sounds like it could go your way mate. Hope so!

              My Allotment Journal @
              Google+ and Youtube



              Updated Regularly-Last Update was 30-05-16


              • right guys, here is what happened.

                When I turned up at court yesterday, I had an informal social type chat with the In Court Advisor. Very nice lady. I mentioned the local elections had come about too late and explained the terms of my discussions with the new Council Leader. She then advised me to bring this to the attention of the Sheriff and to ask for an adjournment as there was a very real prospect of the matter being settled outwith the Court Action which would save Court time and resources. This was put to the solicitor for the Council when she arrived and the start of the hearing was delayed so that she could get instructions from the Council Head of Service In the event, the Council did not agree to an adjournment.

                My understanding was that the hearing was intended to be a debate as to the interpretation of section 6(1) Allotments(Scotland)Act 1892. However, it developed thus. The Solicitor for the Council made the case for the Council, took over an hour and I was not allowed any opportunity to object or interrupt. I would get my say after the City Solicitor. The comments coming from the Sheriff during the City Solicitors presentation were not friendly. e.g.In these austere times, Allotment holders should be expected to meet the whole cost. There is no provision in the allotments acts for subsidies. It was starting to look bad. City Solicitor also referred to the Harwood case and suggested that there were special circumstances in this case because rents had not previously been increased for a number of years. (That's not special circumstances. Either decisions were made not to increase or there was neglect and allotment holders shouldn't beheld responsible for that)

                When my turn to speak came, I duly applied for an adjournment. Application refused.
                I had decided before going in if that was refused I would play my get out of jail free card which would delay things by a year as the Council would have to start the proceedings again from scratch. Effectively, I would get my adjournment in fact a much longer one which would allow the new council to 'put things right'.

                So what was the get out of jail free card?

                In terms of Section 4(1) Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions(Scotland) Act 1985, if a landlord wishes to terminate a lease for a breach of a monetory item such as rent, insurance premiums or the like, before doing so he must formally serve notice of his intention to terminate and give the tenant a minimum of 14 days in which to remedy the alleged breach(es). I was given no such notice served on me, nor was I given any such opportunity to remedy.

                Sheriff adjourned to allow Solicitor for the Council an opportunity to consider the development as it was unfair to just drop this on her without warning. (I actually provided the Solicitor with a list of the Authorities on which I would be relying including Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions(Scotland) Act 1985 on Sunday 13th May. On Tuesday 15th May, I had a telephone conversation with her about some of my productions of which she required copies during the course of which she asked if I would be relying on section 4 or section 5. I wasn't quick enough on the draw and could have told the Sheriff that). Anyway, bottom line is that I got the adjournment I wanted to allow progress with the Council.

                If the Council does not pack in its hand before the next hearing, I will tell the Court that the Council Solicitor was aware because that will have a bearing on expenses. The costs of an additional Court Hearing could have been avoided.


                • Wow, AP, that's complex! Looks like the County Solicitor had not done her homework properly - dare I say again? I do hope this is resolved to your satisfaction without you having to go through the number of sleeps countdown again.
                  Last edited by veggiechicken; 18-05-2012, 07:43 AM. Reason: left the out out of without


                  • co9ngratulations then!! I had to read it twice


                    • *rubs eyes and re-reads*

                      Nope, still don't get it. No wonder I didn't get into law! I hope it swings in your favour anyway.


                      • I am in awe AP ( I would have rolled over long ago!)


                        • crumbs.........

                          Well done AP but my fingers will stay crossed until you get the good result you hope for! Come on 'new' council support your allotments please


                          • So basically the judge adjourned because they felt that the county solicitor was unprepared because she didn't know you hadn't been served with a notice of intention to terminate. Have I got that right?

                            That implies that the county solicitor is not aware of proper legal procedure. And if I'd have been the judge I'd have thrown the case out and awarded you costs and then told the council they need to carry out their legal obligations towards allotment tenants as set out in the relevant acts.

                            Sounds to me like the judge's sympathies are not impartial.

                            They can hardly serve you with that notice now can they. Would it make any difference if they did?


                            • Originally posted by donnakebab View Post
                              So basically the judge adjourned because they felt that the county solicitor was unprepared because she didn't know you hadn't been served with a notice of intention to terminate. Have I got that right?

                              They can hardly serve you with that notice now can they. Would it make any difference if they did?
                              Yups you got it right. I think the option is to start again from scratch. i.e. give me notice of intention to terminate, and an opportunity to remedy and then terminate if I do not remedy. Will be talking to Council leader later today. Poor soul emailed me at 4 minutes past midnight last. That is what I call applying himself.


                              • well done thus far,just goes to prove what idots are in charge,lets hope for common sence to come forth,and do the right thing,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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