I loved Muffin the mule we've still got a Muffin string puppet upstairs.
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Thunder - Thunder - Thunder - Thundercats!
I remember Thundercats, although I always though they were singing "Thundercats are moose" instead of "loose" for some strange reason. My other favourite cartoons of the time were Cities of Gold, Dogtanian, and around the world in 80 days. This was all in the Philip Schofield/gordon the gopher in the Bbc broom cupboard days
can't beat the clangers ..........Gill
So long and thanks for all the fish.........
I have a blog http://areafortyone.blogspot.co.uk
I'd rather be a comma than a full stop.
POGLES WOOD! Please, somebody else remember Pogles Wood! I used to love the fact that they'd get "Plant" p****d up on Elderberry Wine and then get it to tell 'em a story....
Piggle, you have a point. I do a mean impersonation of The Soup Dragon!
Blue String Pudding, anyone?When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!
There has been reference to some I remember from my own childhood, and some from my children's childhood. I watched Thundercats, and the 2 Greyskull cartoons with my 2.
I watched Lone Ranger, Champion the Wonder Horse, Rin Tin Tin, etc after school
Bill and Ben, Woodentops, Ivor the Engine, and what was that thing with the Duchess who had a pet Dragon called Pongo? Those were on when I was too young for school, and when I had a day off ill...
Clangers was great.
I was still watching when Camberwick Green came along (Windy Miller, the first self-sufficiency role model!!)Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
I also remember when fingermouse was one (albeit the star) of quite a collection of 'fingerbobs'. My favourite was Flash the tortoise
"Slowly, steadily, I go at my own pace
They call me Flash, 'tho I won't dash, who wants to run a race?
As long as I get there, why worry... what's the hurry?"Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.
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