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Dog owners


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  • #31
    there was a alley way in the town where we lived in spain we dubbed Dogsh*t Alley. Not a lump of it anywhere else, but down there it was hard to find pavement. It sort of worked in a weird way. Coming back to England and tripping through it all over the place, we kinda missed the alley.

    I remember walking our dog and she decided to go in the middle of the street, and of course it was one of those times i didn't have a poo bag on me. I walked her back and then drove back a bit later, screetched to a stop next to the poo and scooped it up and then drove off. I must have looked like a right loon


    • #32
      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
      I've ordered a bunch
      Me too - I can't wait to get started, but am a little concerned about adding more litter: I hope they're biodegradable stickers
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #33
        They're very sticky stickers - the ones here have stayed stuck through wind, rain, blazing sun etc


        • #34
          I've ordered some too. Many thanks for the info Sarz.
          I was feeling part of the scenery
          I walked right out of the machinery
          My heart going boom boom boom
          "Hey" he said "Grab your things
          I've come to take you home."


          • #35
            I live on an estate in urban Nottm and have to say we seem to have very little dog poo on our streets. Whether thats responsible dog owners or the council I wouldn't know.

            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • #36
              don't get me started on horse fouling. I used to work in (very posh yah yah darling) Wimbledon Village, the place was caked in horse cookies, no one ever dreamed of cleaning up after themselves, and the dust in summer was disgusting


              • #37
                I have heard that in some cities, horses have to wear nappies.????
                oh, but I quite miss the smell of fresh horse manure outside our school in the morning- now that the army have moved the horses- it used to be a magnificent site, seeing them exercised. At least they don't poo all over the pavement and I don't believe their faeces carry nasty illnesses? OOh, also their poops can go on the compost heap- every cloud.......
                A plague on people who don't clear up after their dogs though!!!!
                Last edited by petal; 21-04-2012, 08:00 AM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by petal View Post
                  horses-... I don't believe their faeces carry nasty illnesses?
                  Potentially horses could give you:

                  E. coli
                  protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum
                  Giardia duodenalis

                  but the actual risk from manure is minimal source

                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #39
                    In town here you rarely see uncollected dog mess. Fields that get a lot of use for dog walking, it varies. The forestry commission land they have a 'stick and flick' policy, if it is well under the bushes (where no-one is going to walk), that is OK, if it's on the path, get it OFF the path. Have to say, the one time I've got any time for slugs is wet walks in the woods, they do clear up!
                    Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                    • #40
                      What about a fine system for dog owners who are NOT carrying a bag to clear up after there dog.
                      First offence.....Warning
                      Second offence....�10.00 fine.


                      • #41
                        This kind of thing really annoys me, because it gives a bad name to dog owners who do always clean up after their pooches? How difficult is it to carry a few poop bags and just pick up as and when?
                        Even MORE annoying is when people hang them on trees and bushes? Like some sort of Christmas decoration? What's THAT all about? Do the rest of us REALLY want to see your poop bags swaying in the wind, when trying to enjoy a lovely country walk? It's disgusting AND dangerous.

                        However I think people in general need to have been raised to also take litter home with them?
                        I get annoyed when I'm at park all weathers with the dog and then a bit of sunshine and Tom, Dick and Harry use the park disrespectfully for probably one or two days out of the year to drink beer, have BBQ's etc and leave empty bottles, cartons, burger trays etc etc just left around on the grass?!
                        From a very young age, I was taught "If there's no litter bin, take it home with you?"
                        Too often people think "Someone else will clean it up" that's not the point - the point is personal responsibility. Sadly, I think this has to be inspired and encouraged culturally- penalties will work up to a point, but those who don't care or see everything as 'someone else will do it' will still have that attitude?

                        Oh and if you see me picking up YOUR and everyone else's litter as I walk round the park, with my dog, by all means think "Silly, old batty dog woman" but think "silly old batty dog woman" and then PICK YOUR OWN RUBBISH UP!!! LOL
                        Last edited by GardenFaery; 21-04-2012, 02:27 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by simoncpg View Post
                          What about a fine system for dog owners who are NOT carrying a bag
                          So is someone to be employed to strip search all dogwalkers?
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by salome2001 View Post
                            don't get me started on horse fouling. I used to work in (very posh yah yah darling) Wimbledon Village, the place was caked in horse cookies, no one ever dreamed of cleaning up after themselves, and the dust in summer was disgusting
                            a few weeks ago a horse and cart stopped on the road outside my drive, and of course the horse had a massive poop, I was going to shovel it up and put it in the compost bin, but couldn't be arsed what was really strange though over the next few days some crows came and collected it, big chunks of it in there beaks, even fighting over it at times, guess they used it for there nest or something?


                            • #44
                              om nom nom, om nom nom....anyone get it?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                                Potentially horses could give you:

                                E. coli
                                protozoa Cryptosporidium parvum
                                Giardia duodenalis

                                but the actual risk from manure is minimal source

                                oh, total pants. Good for toughening up the old immune system!!!Not that I am advocating eating it....


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