My stored potatoes were coming to the end of their life, a number of the larger ones had developed internal necrosis (brown spot). The problem though, was knowing which were OK because the outsides looked fine on all of them. I've just finished a marathon spud peeling session, reminded me of the old films where the 'bad' soldiers were set to peeling mountains of potatoes.
6 steamer baskets later (2 sessions of 3), I've got 12lb of plain cooked mashed potato for the freezer, packaged in portion size containers.
I've got some sprouting garlic cloves that need attention next, but I think I'll do those after I get back from my appointment this afternoon
6 steamer baskets later (2 sessions of 3), I've got 12lb of plain cooked mashed potato for the freezer, packaged in portion size containers.

I've got some sprouting garlic cloves that need attention next, but I think I'll do those after I get back from my appointment this afternoon
