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  • #76
    Originally posted by woody21 View Post
    im not getting wound up about half the things i would have
    I applaud you for that

    Originally posted by woody21 View Post
    it was the i dont care attitude from the owner
    That's why I tossed the beer cans back over.
    When I got my plot I uncovered curtain rails, ironing boards and all kinds of junk my side of the fence. Plus a bin bag full of household rubbish, including bills: with the neighbour's name & address on them. When the council person came over, she said she'd been round the neighbour, who'd denied chucking their rubbish onto the allotments. Because she denied it, they couldn't take action against her (wtf?)

    When the snide, casual beer-can-tossing started, I wasn't having it. I didn't make a scene or have a row, like she probably wanted, I just gathered it all up and dropped it back over
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #77
      Unfortunately most of us have to put up with neighbours dont we?
      Im sure mine werent too impressed with my 3 yappy ratdogs having a good ol' bark whilst they were playing this morning! Although to be fair I was with them the whole time...they arent allowed out unless Im with them as the fruit and veggies and play area are all mixed together.
      Still, I have to put up with one side sitting in their garden playing the guitar badly and the other side blowing smoke everywhere whilst they are on the phone out there so I guess we will all just have to put up with each other!!LOL


      • #78
        Thanks TS, i applaud myself too.. its a much beter way to go about everything and i wish i had done it 10 years ago.

        Kentishgal, i wouldnt worry about your dogs, if your out there playing with them then theres a good reason for a bit of barking which im sure no reasonable neighbour would mind at all... i know i wouldnt be bothered at all. it would make me smile seeing people enjoy their pets!

        i have one neighbour with dogs that are a problem, and one that likes to come threaten me on my doorstep for having a garden fire and spends hours glaring at me from his upstairs windows.
        All the other neighbours are great, we all generally live and let live and for nearly everyone it works very well.

        its just that odd one or 2 that spoil it and cant play nice. and guess what, both the pain in the bum familys have only been here a few years... ive been here almost 20 years and everyone else 30 - 50 years!

        i have budding young drummer 2 doors away who also likes to practice outdoors in the summer, but even indoors you can hear it clear as day..
        but then i do have music in the garden on the odd occasion, usually if im digging! so i live and let live!


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