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Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostOlive oil or any other oil (apart from Engine oil) should do it. Put some in, block your ear with cotton wool and sleep on it. Try again tomorrow when it will have softened up.
Meanwhile, have another glass or three to take your mind off it. Oh, and be very grateful that none of the wise women are around. they probably have trained spiders that could crawl in and haul the bud out
I further recommend potions of alcohol and water (well, mixer of choice) to numb the appendage and allow restful repose.If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!
Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View PostNow thems what I call tights.
TuckI'm also running out of Woad and Dyer's Broom and they don't grow in the woods so if anyone sees any while they're out and about pick me a basketful please. This Lincoln Green is hard to get right
Has the brewer made any Lincoln Green Ale yet?Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.
Good morrow Lady Lottie. I have but yesterday sown seeds of Woad but I fear it will be some while before they can be gathered for dyeing.
Good Much did arrange a special brew of Greene King to aid the Miserable Jester in his recovery but I fear that the Master Brewer's own Ale - the Red Stocking reflects his own desires - 'tis a potent brew!
Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post...I believe the Hostler did freely imbibe last night and would appear to be in repose e'en now.
The animals are tended, and the fire is tidied. But I do wish someone would clean up all the pots an' pans before retiring of an eve - there's a bladdy mess by the sink, and I'm not going to be tasked with neither the fetching nor the boiling of water for the cleaning of said items. I just won't!Last edited by Glutton4...; 21-05-2012, 08:13 AM.All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostGood morrow to you Herbalist. We have earwigs aplenty in the wood. Mayhap you have some specially trained for the cleansing of orifices?
I believe the Hostler did freely imbibe last night and would appear to be in repose e'en now.
I have seen the good Hostler's early morn post, and can judge thereby that she is well.
Have trained earwigs to a farethewell, but always on the lookout for stock to increase genetic diversity - also Mr PnK dost display vile humour towards lowly earwigs and has been known to verily stamp and squish said species when he doth discovereth them.
My thyme tea potion is perchance a more reliable remedy than the unchancy trained earwigs, tho they be not used for the same ailments....If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!
I 'ad a bundle of woad that Mr Gypsy Wench Bearing took out of his patch 7 days hence; it is sat - prone - in our composter, chopped and forlorn. Anyone seeking woad, thou art welcome to dig deep - verily it may be found under the Kale Remaining, [Whiteflies] and the Many Merrie Miner's Lettuce. It be not a pretty plant and taketh valueble space for the pretty things.
Pray tell, wherefore needest it thou? Who is dyeing?
Originally posted by donnakebab View PostGood morning my ladies. Me thinks we need to set up some facilities for washing of the undergarments.
Is there a suitable pool nearby that is fed by the stream? Natural soap would refresh our garments and leave the ecosystem intact.
I spilt some ale down me cleavage yesterday.
Soapwort,Ragged Robin,Companions, Bracken rhyzomes,conkers....they all contain saponins for building up a lather....any volunteers?"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Originally posted by donnakebab View PostGood morning my ladies. Me thinks we need to set up some facilities for washing of the undergarments.
Is there a suitable pool nearby that is fed by the stream? Natural soap would refresh our garments and leave the ecosystem intact.
I spilt some ale down me cleavage yesterday.
'Twere but yesterday that kind Much did provide a castellated privy, mayhap today he will set to and enlarge the pool that we may bathe discretely out of sight of the MerryMen.
As to the cleansing of the undergarments, we are in sore need of a Scrubber. Any volunteers (perks include handling ladies (and the Old Crones) underclothing.
Greetings to you all. We have a busy day ahead, gathering woad for Lady Lottie who is in Dyer need, I thank thee Gypsy Wench Bearing for thy kind offer of the wearwithall
And we must also gather natural saponins under the guidance of Mistress Nicos, the Brains Bitter Wench, who clearly knows a thing or two about how to put froth on top.
Let us go forth and fifth into the sunshine and forage.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostGood morrow Old Crone. I feel a little weak and faint. You, I say again, You - wear undergarments!! I have heard it said that you....... But Hush, I do not wish to spread the vile rumours that I hear whispered at night - for I am a lady of discretion (though some may say otherwise.'
'Twere but yesterday that kind Much did provide a castellated privy, mayhap today he will set to and enlarge the pool that we may bathe discretely out of sight of the MerryMen.
As to the cleansing of the undergarments, we are in sore need of a Scrubber. Any volunteers (perks include handling ladies (and the Old Crones) underclothing.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post'Twere but yesterday that kind Much did provide a castellated privy, mayhap today he will set to and enlarge the pool that we may bathe discretely out of sight of the MerryMen.but he was in residence at that very moment
So yea verily I did leg it at a pace that would have impressed a woodland deerHe who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
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