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I've bought a wood!


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  • Ah, Binley - if thee would provide a location for thine imprisonment I would verily come with bow and arrow and shoot thine captors, this releasing thee to view the strange yellow thing that shineth mightily upon us!
    If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


    • Originally posted by binley100 View Post
      Help help .....I've been imprisoned in this dark place of entertainment .....can't see the sun and it'll be gone by the time I'm released help rescue me .........
      That would explain why my hungry tum-tum remains strong chief cook & bottle washer, my trusty steed shall deliver me to your rescue with great haste.
      Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


      Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


      • Verily does this mean that there be little in the way of sustenance this fair eve? Shame for there be a beast in my belly that growleth like thunder.

        Though there are those that say that thirst is oft times mistaken for hunger. Bring on the Ale!


        • My humble apologies to you but I drink'eth not of the brewed beverage known as ale, however, my keg doth overflow'eth with the pristine spring water of the woodland.
          Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


          Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


          • Please, Robin, gather together the Merry men and Archers for we are in dire need of sustenance this evening. I fear the Nudge Wink "Young" Crone may be about to deliver up a monster from her belly, the manner in which she speaketh. I do hope not for the Midwife is asleep in her small cottage darn-under.
            Being a Gentlewoman, my teeny little tummykins is purring gently but I fear I may not be able to last much longer without a little nibble.
            Find Cook and bring her back safely, I beg of you!
            Last edited by veggiechicken; 22-05-2012, 06:20 PM. Reason: typo


            • Please release me let me gooooooooo - oops wrong thread .....
              S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
              a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

              You can't beat a bit of garden porn


              • A song for thee Merrie Bande;

                We're men, we're men in tights.
                We roam around the forest looking for fights.
                We're men, we're men in tights.
                We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
                We may look like sissies, but watch what you say or else we'll put out your lights!
                We're men, we're men in tights,
                Always on guard defending the people's rights.

                [Dance number, chorus line style]

                We're men, MANLY men, we're men in tights. Yeah!
                We roam around the forest looking for fights.
                We're men, we're men in tights.
                We rob from the rich and give to the poor, that's right!
                We may look like pansies, but don't get us wrong or else we'll put out your lights.
                We're men, we're men in tights (TIGHT tights),
                Always on guard defending the people's rights.
                When you're in a fix just call for the men in tights!
                We're butch.

                Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                • Suddenly, the Wood is alive with the Sound of Music, with songs we have sung.. for at least 4 days...
                  Jules, are you a Minstrel who wishes to join our Merry band? For we are in need of entertainers to lighten the dark evenings as all we do to fill the dark hours is eat, drink and be merry - and a bit of wenching...... .


                  • Here come the Men in tights
                    It's the M.I.T.'s, uhh, here come the M.I.T.'s
                    Here come the Men in tights
                    They won't let you remember
                    Nah nah nah
                    The good guys dress in green remember that
                    Just in case we ever face to face and make contact
                    The title held by me - M.I.T.
                    Means what you think you saw, you did not see
                    So don't blink be what was there
                    Is now gone, green suit with the tight tight’s on
                    Walk in shadow, move in silence
                    Guard against the sheriffs violence
                    But yo we ain't on no government list
                    We straight don't exist, no names and no fingerprints
                    Saw somethin strange, watch your back
                    Cause you never quite know where the M.I.T.'s is at
                    Uh and...
                    Here come the Men in tights (Men in tiiiiiiggghhts)
                    Wooded defenders (oahhaooohh ohhhhh)
                    Here come the Men in Tights (Men in tiiiigghhts)
                    They ‘ll make you remember
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • Good eeeeeeeeeevening, dear woodland dwellers. Such a fine day today, my sackcloth was far too warm for my needs, so I will be in need of a refreshing wallow in the river before nightfall.

                      I trust this evening finds you all hale and hearty, but I notice poor Binley has been incarcerated again - one could tell, call it a sixth sense, but the sun was shining, and it does that with some force whenever the fair Binley has been imprisoned. It is a kind of omen, you know.

                      Most of the animals have been tended, but the Hens are still busily scratching about in the late afternoon sun, and should I give them their evening corn now, they will only expect more in an hour or so. Therefore, I think they can wait a tad longer.
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • Greetings Hostler, It has verily been a scorcher today and thy sackcloth must have been weighted down with the sweat of thy brow, and other things.
                        Robin and his Merry men are making plans to release the Cook from her incarceration, I do hope she will soon be free as my itsy bitsy tummy purring noises are becoming a trifle more obvious.
                        Mayhap we will be sharing the 'ens corn ere long.


                        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          Thank 'ee Cook. You have done us proud tonight. Just one small, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny request, if I may be so bold. Is there anything for veggies on that table? (Ducks... no, silly, they're not veggie....)
                          thats just what i was looking at
                          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            Suddenly, the Wood is alive with the Sound of Music, with songs we have sung.. for at least 4 days...
                            Jules, are you a Minstrel who wishes to join our Merry band? For we are in need of entertainers to lighten the dark evenings as all we do to fill the dark hours is eat, drink and be merry - and a bit of wenching...... .
                            DARK EVENINGS,we only just got light and sun,
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Originally posted by binley100 View Post
                              Please release me let me gooooooooo - oops wrong thread .....
                              have you been captured by the sherriff,MEN IN TIGHTS
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • Since our cook is not yet arrived in the greenwood to prepare our repast, I've been a-hawking. If someone gets the spit set up, I'll bring the rabbit!

                                Attached Files
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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