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I've bought a wood!


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  • Of all the knights at King Arthur's Round Table, the largest was Sir Cumference.
    He got that way from too much pi.
    He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


    • whoaaaaa................rewind ? what party? why wasn't I told ?
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • Fare ye well MM and all you woodland folk, I've been busy of late and haven't been in the wood for a while. Sorry that our fun and games in the wood is coming to an end. Let's lift our tankards and raise a toast to wherever we find ourselves next.
        On to pastures new as they say. Still, I can make all the costumes for whatever new adventure we find ourselves in.
        See you all on the morrow. Sleep well.
        Last edited by ladylottie; 28-05-2012, 10:30 PM.
        Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.


        • The End of Robin Hood in the Wood

          'Tis time to draw this to a close methinks! I thank you all for the mirth and merriment that we have enjoyed together in our adventures in the Wood. If you would like another adventure put your name and thoughts down at

          For one last time, here is the Cast List.

          The Cast List - All you need to know
          Robin Hood - Pa Snips ............ Little John - HeyWayne,
          Maid Marian - Me of course .......... Maid Marian's lady's maid - Lottie Dolly
          BigMallly the Fletcher - the Gorilla. ......... Friar Tuck - Potstubsdustbins
          Much the Miller's son - Bearded Bloke
          Will Stutely - MrBadExample .......... Will Scarlet - Newton - camping in a red wig
          King Richard the Lionheart - DGoulston............ The miserable Jester - Cardiff Steve
          Sheriff of Nottingham - madasafish ....... The Executioner - Taff the Axe
          Master Brewer at the Red Thorn Tavern - Red Thorn (House Ale - Red Stocking)
          Mistress Quickly of the Tavern - Virgin Veg Grower
          Bringer of the Brains Bitter Wench - Nicos............ Buxom Wench - OverWyreGrower.
          Buxom "Young" Crone Serving Wench, scavenger and a bit of a witch - Donnakebab
          Merry Maid and Wenches - Mandyballantyne & Moo's Mum
          Chief Cook and Bottle washer - Binley ..............Buxom Kitchen Wench - Jeanied
          Herbalist and Merry man (archers) - Peas'n'kews and Mr P'n'K
          Lady Lottie the spinner and weaver - Lady Lottie ........Musician - Lady Jules
          Falconer Wench - Mothhawk ............ Local Peasant - Bren in Pots
          Gypsy Wench Bearing - Zazen............Hostler and 'untsperson - Glutton4......
          Nurse and Midwife - Feral007............. Woodsman - Snohare
          Mick of All Trades - yekim

          Thank you !!
          Mods, please lock this thread!


          • Just popped in to bring you the news. The Lion Heart has returned from the crusade. The evil pretender John has been banished to the dungeons along with the sheriff.

            And so my friends we can say farewell with a glad heart. I will see you all on our next adventure.

            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • And so...was ever thus...we come to a hiatus in our history.
              Those who wish to follow on please join the Merry Clan here...


              Gude healthe and hapynesse to all Woodelande folke.....
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


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