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  • A warning that is not untimely, Jester.

    Roger Miller - I'm a Nut - YouTube
    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
    Endless wonder.


    • Originally posted by cardiffsteve View Post
      The fairies have bought forth absinthe.
      I may partake at a later hour.
      No better choice, for the angelica contained therein will soothe and heal. I am also assured by wiser heads that vermouth also contains many beneficial herbs.
      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
      Endless wonder.


      • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
        No better choice, for the angelica contained therein will soothe and heal. I am also assured by wiser heads that vermouth also contains many beneficial herbs.
        For long years since now it hath been a fave of mine...hic

        Though there are many diverse beverages that hath that appeal. Master brewer..where art though?...belch. Oooh pardon me!


        • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
          A warning that is not untimely, Jester.

          Roger Miller - I'm a Nut - YouTube
          I remember this dittie from ancient times. Tis most heart warming to hear it again though I do believe I may have been concealed in a womb when first heard. I shall not divulge the nature of that womb for it could be mistaken. foxes are very they not. We all partake of chicken flesh after all. Except MM of course. Gnash Gnash Grrr.


          • I do not like these new fangled potions.
            I cannot partake of food for 2 hours before and 1 hour after tablet
            Also the taking of imbibements is forbidden.


            • It delights my heart to see such friendships developing between two of the wenches, you are indeed kindred spirits. I pray thee, cure our miserable Jester for it doth grieve me so to hear of his troublesome ailments. I have heard it said that the application of leeches to a few tender parts may bring about a cure. Verily, it is unpleasant to see them gorging themselves on body fluids but it is a sure way of ridding the body of corrupt matter.
              Methinks I must have a privy word with the Old Crone Donna as it grieves me to hear her loose talk about devouring the flesh of chicken. I must needs remind her that I also go by the name of chicken and that the thought of roasting those who bear my family name doth trouble me deeply. For I am but a gentlewoman who strives not to harm any living creatures, unless they be slugs or the Sheriff of Nottingham. Verily it is difficult to distinguish between them.


              • Indeed MM please forgive us humble personages. We have not the learned knowledge to pursue such a devout life style.

                It was indeed the lifestyle I followed several years ago that resulted in my giving life to a most robust and healthy babe. (now left this household and sorely missed along with beloved pet dog).

                I indeed recognise the difficulty you have distinguishing between slugs, snails, sherriffs and all those in authority (AP back me up), but needs must when the devil vomits in yer kettle.

                As for leaches...well there are those that need them and those that just deserve them. Then there are those that just like them.

                Jester stop hiding away and come to entertain us all in the manner we have become used to. Brush the leaches away, MothHawk and I will sooth thy brow and calm thy firey body.


                • Forsooth and verily, I humbly apologise - I have totally lost the plot!!!

                  *waddles back to the kitchen.
                  Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                  • Do not upset yourself, Old Crone (I just lurrrve calling you that) for I am of forgiving nature and can see that life has not always treated you kindly. If you and the Falconer Wench can cure our miserable Jester (or even if you can't) let us all gather together this night for merriment, good ales and to enjoy the delights of the countryside you have provided for us. I bid thee adieu until sundown.


                    • A dew at sundown I best bring an umbrella
                      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                      • Ah...Sundown..delightful darkness that conceals my heartfelt actions and most horrendous crimes ha ha cough (save phlem for spells in suitable vessel..pigs ear).

                        Now where's that sweet jester with his burning flesh? Perchance he hides.


                        • Originally posted by bearded bloke View Post
                          A dew at sundown I best bring an umbrella
                          That's a bit much Much. Bring a bearskin instead upon which we may recline


                          • Salutations my merrie Folke. May I joine thee in a cup of two of merriment, now that the Hens are fed and the Horses watered?

                            (I'm feeling a tad left out, truth be known - far too busy to get on here much, nowadays! )
                            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              That's a bit much Much. Bring a bearskin instead upon which we may recline
                              As you command m'lady ..................

                              He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                              Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                              • We welcome you to the Wood, G4. Would you care to join the cast? Perhaps you could care for the osses, since you are skilled in such matters and we are in need of a good ostler.


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