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Petrol Prices


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  • Petrol Prices

    Has anybody else noticed how much petrol has dropped in price over the last two weeks?

    I've just been to a**a, and I'm sure that two weeks ago I paid 140.7p a litre but today I paid 130.7.

    Anybody got any idea why petrol has gone down?

  • #2
    improvement in the exchange rate?


    • #3
      It's amazing - 130.7 now sounds cheap? It's gone down a bit here too (133.9) but I thought it was really dear when it was 80p a litre!
      A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


      • #4
        when Esso first gave away a tiger's tail with Esso Extra,it was three shillings and eleven pence a gallon.


        • #5
          Where I grew up, it was 16p/GALLON... crazy - this was in the 90s too.


          • #6
            Call me an old cynic if you will but:-
            Threatened Tanker Drivers strike = prices up because people would buy at any price, just in case
            Strike threat over - Supermarket price wars = prices tumble and extra discounts are being offered by the S/Markets if you spend more than about �50.
            Its all a racket!!


            • #7
              Around here BP *spits in disgust* have dropped the price of diesel from 149.9ppl to 141.9ppl, Tesco is down to 138.9ppl and Morrisons is down to 137.9ppl, however, I got a couple of 5ppl-off vouchers from Tesco so I'm currently buying diesel for 133.9ppl.

              As has been said, it somehow does feel like a good deal having paid so much recently but I remember the first time I had to pay a quid per litre and was absolutely horrified.
              Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


              Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pa Snips View Post
                As has been said, it somehow does feel like a good deal having paid so much recently but I remember the first time I had to pay a quid per litre and was absolutely horrified.
                Yea wasn't there lots of strikes by tanker drivers when petrol went to a pound a litre.


                • #9
                  Its not very long ago that everyone was aghast at the thought of paying �1 a litre. How quickly folk adjust!
                  If I were to trip down memory lane it would be to filling my first car (a Mini) with petrol for �1 and running on that for weeks. I'm starting to sound like my father.....


                  • #10
                    Most likely going down so that when the planned extra tax goes on it won't seem so bad

                    Ohhhh tiger tails can you remember the world cup team coins ? I still got a set of spanners "bought" with green shield stamps
                    He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                    • #11
                      I can't remember the last time that I bought diesel at an independent garage - its always at a supermarket now. Sad really but the independents just can't compete.
                      Gone are the days, too, when you could sit in the car, a petrol attendant would put the petrol in, clean your windscreen and check your tyres - and you never had to leave the driving seat, not even to pay.
                      Bring back personal service, I'd pay that little bit extra for that - I hate checking my tyres!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by cardiffsteve View Post
                        Yea wasn't there lots of strikes by tanker drivers when petrol went to a pound a litre.
                        That may well have occurred, at least when a quid per litre became widespread.

                        I was on holiday when I first paid a quid per litre and I was running on fumes when I arrived in Thurso, way up in the north of Scotland, and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of a fuel station, followed by a groan when I saw the price. It was a beautiful circular trip of the highlands though
                        Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                        Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          Call me an old cynic if you will but:-
                          Threatened Tanker Drivers strike = prices up because people would buy at any price, just in case
                          Strike threat over - Supermarket price wars = prices tumble and extra discounts are being offered by the S/Markets if you spend more than about �50.
                          Its all a racket!!
                          Accurate answer,tanker drivers greed was the reason,my son who is unemployed would deliver petrol hopping on one leg carrying it in buckets,for half of their ridiculous inflated wages!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            Gone are the days, too, when you could sit in the car, a petrol attendant would put the petrol in, clean your windscreen and check your tyres - and you never had to leave the driving seat, not even to pay.
                            There is a fuel station not too far from where I live that still has attendants and they don't allow you to put your own fuel in, but they don't clean your windscreen or check your tyres.

                            Reminds me of a funny story actually...having ridden over the Snake Pass from Yorkshire on my bike (a Honda Fireblade, not a pedal thingy) I arrived at an attendant operated fuel station and asked the chap to fill the tank. He thrust the nozzle into the tank, pulled the trigger and, as the pump clicked off, told me it was already full. I had to explain that he had just hit the bottom of the tank with the nozzle and that unlike a car the there isn't a tube leading to the tank, what you see is what you get, and if you put the nozzle straight to the bottom of the tank it obviously won't fill. He looked really nervous filling it with the nozzle only just inside the filler hole!
                            Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                            Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                            • #15
                              I hate filling my car too - I always worry that's its going to bubble back out!
                              One thing I do though is to lift the filler pipe above the level of the fuel cap, to get the last dregs out - having heard a tale of a man who kept his car running by draining out the dregs between customers. Probably apocryphal but there's always a bit more in the pipe than you think!!


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