Some people really do have more money than sense don't they.Come on here & get the advice for free! I can see there being a market for the Harrods' produce from the roof plot though as I would imagine they won't get an awful lot & it will be top price & people will want to boast that they have a Harrods' �5 cabbage or something!
No announcement yet.
it's madness, I tell you!!!
It's my first year of gardening and I still have a lot to learn. I am also a so-called "middle class" person whatever that means, although nowhere near rich enough to shop in Harrods...
But the thing I'm finding the most rewarding about my whole project is that I'm doing it myself through my own hard work. The initial digging up of my vegetable patch left my whole body aching, I spend several hours a week gardening at the moment, and when I finally have my own home-grown vegetables to eat it will be brilliant because I will have grown it *myself* through my own work, time and effort. Otherwise, I can't really see the point! (Well, apart from the freshness/lack of food miles issue, but let's face it, there's a whole "buying into the lifestyle" thing going on).
I'd also like to add that, out of all the hobbies and interests I've taken up over the last few years, vegetable gardening seems to be the only one where people on the internet have been genuinely welcoming and helpful, friendly to newcomers and not cliquey or pretentious in some way. Don't get me wrong, I think it's brilliant that people are taking up such activities. But I already think that if "lifestyle" articles start to appear en masse in the Sunday supplements, there could be a corresponding fashion/cliqueyness orientation about it. I can already feel it coming on - "No dahling, you can't grow moneymaker tomatoes, they're so last year".
But yeah, anyway. Buying someone else's home-grown vegetables on a regular basis, or having someone create a designer allotment for you, seems to be missing the point somewhat. I made my vegetable patch for me, to do something for myself.
Originally posted by SueA View PostSome people really do have more money than sense don't they.Come on here & get the advice for free!(I gather she usually just sidles up!)
Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
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