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My Poor Cat....


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  • #31
    Hope Mousey makes a full recovery Jules. Truly devastated to read these stories. Is this what we call 'civilisation'?


    • #32
      I am so sorry to hear what little Mouse has been put through. I don't understand how anybody could be so cruel, that is just despicable.

      Is it something you might report to the police?


      • #33
        So sorry to hear about Mouse - I'm glad he's on the mend. What sort of lowlife does something like that? I know what I'd like to do to them if I had the chance and it would be slow and painful .


        • #34
          Oh, Jules, how heart-breaking for you. Bless your vet for seeing Mouse straight away in the wee small hours. Cats are very resilient, I'm sure Mouse will recover with your love and care.
          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
          Endless wonder.


          • #35
            All of the above,have you told local paper Jules ? you never know someone may have seen something,maybe get the RSPCA involved as well.
            In the mean time best medicine for Mousey may be many choruses of soft kitty
            He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

            Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


            • #36
              I'm always upset when I hear things like this (3 cats have gone missing within a 200 yard radius of me here in the last two weeks) and it makes me want to wrap my 3 up in cotton wool, but that won't work (and they too have had their moments, Basil having a crime number for being shot!).

              I hope Mousey makes a full recovery, with good wishes from all of us here.
              The cats' valet.


              • #37
                Sorry to hear about your Mouse. Hope she recovers well.

                We had a similar experience, a local ASBO kicked our blind cat in the early hours of the morning after a lock in at the local pub. Fortunately she did not need the vet. She used to sit in the front garden greeting the children going to school, but she no longer goes out the front.


                • #38
                  How is he today Jules, and how are you?
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #39
                    Hi Jules any news please?
                    Hope you are all ok


                    • #40
                      Mousey's doing well! Still rapid breathing, but he's happy and purring, rolling over to have his tum tickled - all very Mousey behaviour!

                      BTW He's called Mousey because he was born very prematurely, and was no bigger than a mouse. We thought he wouldn't make it, but a there was only Mousey and Desmond, he didn't have to fight for the milk bar. We had to give him a leg up at dinner time, but he made it. Tough little softy that he is....

                      I must get a piccie for you...

                      Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                      ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                      Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                      • #41
                        Very pleased to read that Mousey is doing well. Would really like to see a pic of him too.
                        Spelling errors are my area of expertise. Apologies if my jumbled up mind/words cause offence.


                        • #42
                          I think we've seen him in the group photo Jules, but it would be nice to see him now he is recovering a bit. Lovely news.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • #43
                            Made my day to hear Mousey is getting better.

                            I too had a cat called mouse - someone else named her Mini, so the "mouse" just had to follow. But she quickly became Minty Monty Mandy Mouse - which she answered to. Sadly she went to cat heaven (full of real mice!) many years ago; passing away from old age. I still miss her though!
                            If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


                            • #44
                              Ok, spoke too soon.

                              I escaped upstairs earlier, with the knitting, and Mousey was breathing very rapidly indeed, stretched out looking stressed and sounded a bit gurgly of lung.

                              Back to the vet who advised that his long-term painkiller had worn off so he was in pain. They've given him another injection to last a further 72 hours and he's looking much more comfortable now, but still a bit stressed. He's got more Frusemide too, to help clear his gurgles.

                              Why did they not tell us he'd had long-acting painkiller and warn us when it would wear off? And why advise us yesterday that he doesn't need to have the painkillers they sent us home with on Tuesday? If we had carried on with said painkillers Mousey wouldn't have had yet another trip to the vet (in the dreaded carrier) again today.

                              The Bh was a bit incensed so they didn't charge for magnanimous of them!
                              Last edited by julesapple; 08-06-2012, 04:13 PM.

                              Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                              ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                              Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


                              • #45
                                Glad to hear he is on the mend, what a horrible thing to happen to him and I hope he doesn't lose his trusting nature xxx


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