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What it looks like in your (my) area...


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  • What it looks like in your (my) area...

    After the thread NTG started the other day after going out walking, thought it might be nice to see pics of each others locality/ places that we visit often, or somewhere new we've found and want to share.

    These pictures are of a small wood near my kids school where I've been walking one dog or another on and off for the last 20 years. It's owned by the woodland trust, and so peaceful with a beck running along the bottom and farmland along the top. I have seen (and heard!) a male woodpecker here this spring, & there is always squirrels and rabbits (dog heaven!).

    The German Shepherd in pic is Padfoot, 2 year old, named after a Harry Potter character (altho she is female...).

    Lookin forward to seeing some other people's favourite places.
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  • #2
    Good thread Sarzwix. Good dog, good place for a walk, good pics, good signature.
    I quite like this view from my kitchen garden. The ground belongs to me but I don't do much with it - cut firewood.
    The pesky deer live there and I enjoy seeing them now that they can't get into the garden, and that little pond is moving with frogs.
    It's a great haven for all kinds of birds and they come into the garden. I'll look for other pics tomorrow as I think the best ones are on my other computer.
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    Last edited by Alice; 20-04-2007, 11:23 PM.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      Oo, oo, oo - great idea Sarzwix

      Damn have just been for a walk around the area with friends who suddenly visited for the afternoon. Great to see them but meant I couldn't get onto the allotment - never mind there's always tomorrow.

      We have a Fritillary Sunday taking place in our village tomorrow and as our friends were over, we thought we'd take them and show them the Fritillary field ahead of the hordes expected tomorrow. Imagine - a field carpeted with Snake's Head Fritillaries - just fab!!!

      I'll run back to the field and take a picture.

      Love and happy growing.
      Squash Muppet


      • #4
        We used to live next to a crocus field - that was pretty spectacular in the spring.


        • #5
          This is a picture of an area known as *The Obelisk* at Mamhead. Stone monument built to aid sailors with navigation (1743). The view is over Dawlish Warren (Bird Sanctuary) It's 750ft above sea level. It's 10 minutes drive from me. Stunning view.
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          "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


          • #6
            Absolutely gorgeous Lauren. Thanks for letting us see it.

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #7
              There's not much to look at in our's pretty much all concreted over! However, it looks better after dark....
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              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                Beautiful view Alice, d'you have a strategically placed bench?

                SquashM - I've tried to grow Snake's Head Fritillaries from seed, and from plugs, they don't seem to like my soil...! Did you manage to get a pic of the field-ful?

                Stunning view Lauren, can you smell the sea from there? (I grew up 2 mins from sea, I so miss that salty smell....)

                Where d'you go to get away from the concrete Two_Sheds? (Apart from the lottie!) Altho that sunset is gorgeous, concrete or not!

                Thanks for joining in everyone


                • #9
                  I also like this view from my kitchen garden back into my ornamental garden

                  Sorry, it's not the pics I'm looking for. I've got good pics of places I like to go but they're on my other computer ( How many computers do we need )
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                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    Lovely thread, it's nice to see where you are

                    Here are some views of my favourite walk, along the canal bank and onto an old railway embankment at the back of Great Central Railway in Loughborough. It' a smashing little bit of countryside on the edge of town, but unfortunately it ends at the road leading to the tip!
                    We did manage to scrump 40 lbs of blackberries and enough pears for 2 gallons of wine last year.
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                    • #11
                      Lovely place for a walk Madderbat. I love to walk along the edge of a canal or river, or in woodland. Thanks for the pics.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        Hi folks

                        Here goes, definately hi-tech stuff for me .......... This is my village and no I don't live in the big house in the middle, I live a little way outside.

                        Last edited by TonyF; 23-04-2007, 08:00 PM.
                        TonyF, Dordogne 24220


                        • #13
                          Here is our pad,

                          its a bit small for the two of us so we are looking at building a loft conversion
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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                            Here is our pad,

                            its a bit small for the two of us so we are looking at building a loft conversion
                            Thats your garage isn't i? So where's your house?
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • #15
                              I couldnt fit it all into the picture Snadger so just took one of the gatehouse.


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