People who can't make arrangements. Well, can't make arrangements that actually work. 
I swapped shifts at the Stables, as Mr.G said we had been invited to 'a gathering' at the In-laws' this evening. I rushed around, got everything done at record speed. I even found time to take the Dog for a run, on the way home, so that's him sorted. Came home around 2pm to get washed and changed, only to discover we should have been there for Lunch!
This is not the first time he's done this to me. When they rang, to see where we were, he told them I was at the stables, so they automatically assume it's me!

I swapped shifts at the Stables, as Mr.G said we had been invited to 'a gathering' at the In-laws' this evening. I rushed around, got everything done at record speed. I even found time to take the Dog for a run, on the way home, so that's him sorted. Came home around 2pm to get washed and changed, only to discover we should have been there for Lunch!

This is not the first time he's done this to me. When they rang, to see where we were, he told them I was at the stables, so they automatically assume it's me!
