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Minor Rant Thread part 6
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I know that you are rubbish at doing stuff (even if you are enthusiastic and try hard) bit it still REALLY PISSES me off from time to time! @CANTDOANYTHING.COM....
Sometimes you do have to choose what you put up with and I do as you are so lovely and kind and funny etc etc etc but I once would like you to change the bed or a lightbulb without assistance! or any houshold DIY, decorating, anything out of the ordinary.... sometimes even the ordinary.....
Oh and its not broken - Its YOU! I can use it perfectly well!
And breathe.... ANd Im back in the room and okay for the next 8 years!Last edited by Jelliebabe; 22-06-2012, 10:12 PM.
Feral .......................beans, fartichokes or the nature stuff ?
At myself .........there's stuff I should have supported and didn't get round to it am now worried it'll be flat and know its my fault if they areLast edited by binley100; 22-06-2012, 10:20 PM.S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber
You can't beat a bit of garden porn
People on committee's who have always done it. And yes, we have some new peope, but not enough. And we'd like more at the next meeting...........well you know a) I came to this early meeting even tho I've just got home from 2 days away, and I feel sick. I don't want to stay for the next meeting, because I have a family (and my family only has one parent so why aren't both of you here! sorry there were two single parents at the first meeting leaving their kids at home).
And while you're at it, if you were a little more welcoming some of us might get our kids to come help, but they all say 'Those old guys just want us to stay out of the way'. Those young people can certainly flip burgers for the bbq - macca's trained em! But their obviously, too young.
Off soap box.Ali
My blog: feral007.com/countrylife/
Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!
One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Dear Mr plot neighbour - I really dont think that its very social minded of you to mow your half of the path only! I dont have the time or the right machinery and its actually in the rules not to do this sort of thing, no I dont expect you to do my work but when I have to do mine with shears by hand.... it just seems altogether a bit mean. speshully as I pull the heads off the dandylions on your side/edge so they dont go to seed....
Tolls! Just paid my tolls from my last trip thru sydney. Thought I prob should just get an account for the infrequent but expensive trips on these roads. Since they have managed to stop any avoiding of these roads by closing off streets! Each page on the site is slow to load. Thanks. And then they don't have an account that I need. Frequent users (with monthly fees - not suitable since I only go up once or twice a year) one for infrequent users of only one tollway - i'd still get stuck with expensive notices for the other one. And I need to use both to get from one side out the other. And then there is the visitors pass. For one month only. There are small fees. They won't tell you what they are or where to find them (no search feature) then when I tried to set up the account x 5 times - altho there is a feature for setting the date it doesn't work and you can only start it today. I'm not going up for a fortnight. So I can sit up half the night before trying to get it to work so I don't pay too much for it? There's a reason why we don't do it - and you're the reason why stooopid website! There's not Hate button either
I've just phoned them and told them and they said I can only do this 5 days in advance....helloooo why the heck can I operate your calendar into 6 yrs advance! Actually I just wanted to do it 14 days in advance but pressed the wrong button. I've informed them that I'm not impressed and a little man has told me that I should rest assured that my opinion will be actioned on - guess that means he presses the delete buttonLast edited by Feral007; 25-06-2012, 01:34 AM.Ali
My blog: feral007.com/countrylife/
Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!
One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Mr. Selfish again. It's all about you isn't it. It's a shame you're too old to go get a job, then you'd have less time on your hands to devote to p!$$!ng-off the rest of civilisation!
Jeeeeeez, I could swing for him some days.
AND, thank Gawd I didn't marry one like him!!!!!All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Why is the flipping BBC flashing up logos during the tennis matches? What on earth are they advertising? We know it's Wimbledon. Is it some sort of subliminal advertising for the Olympics....A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows
My sister has got engaged AGAIN.... this is the 4th (or 5th?) time she has been engaged (to different blokes) since her marriage broke up 5 years ago, and she isn't yet divorced from him....
At least this one seems ok/normal - i.e. he has an education, job, flat, family etc...mind you, she's only been seeing him 4 months....
I am turning into Mrs Cynical, but I can't help it.....Last edited by OverWyreGrower; 26-06-2012, 04:10 PM.
Now't wrong with being cynical, OWG.
My rant: Bl**dy idiot drivers!There is a road-closure not far from the stables, all this week. So, every pillock and his wife now has to follow the diversion. This takes you off the 'main' road (two-way, 60 limit, excellent visibility, plenty of room), and on to a narrow, quite often single-track, country lane, with high hedges and blind bends. So why the chuff are you all driving in the middle of the damn lane, at 50 miles an hour FFS!
I've been run off the road at least four times in the last two days, and one girl at the stables has had to get her car pulled out of the ruddy hedge! What's the matter with these people FFS!All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Middle lane hoggers.
Despite me over taking, then pulling into the nearside lane again. Oh, and again, and again. 7 times before the p1ll0ck got the idea.
Oh, and on a related note, people that speed up when you go to over take.
If I had a car with guns on it, the M4 this morning would have been cleared of about 6 cars.
Cyclists! Not all of them by any means; the traffic light jumping, non-signaling morons who seem incapable of riding in a remotely straight line and think it's acceptable to try and push down the side of a line of cars where a lack of space results in them scratching my paintwork down to the metal!
I am beyond ****** off! The same cyclist managed all of the above over the course of 10 minutes and to top it off, his selfish, moronic actions made me late for work seeing as there was actually a cop there when one was needed and we both got pulled in to deal with the matter (the good thing being that at least this particular cyclist has been caught for his actions).
And breath.
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