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Minor Rant Thread part 6


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  • It didn't have the most auspicious start, yesterday, and then it just got steadily worse. So now it's come to this, huge migraine, no sleep and the black clouds have gathered. And now today isn't looking too promising either.

    All this because I wasn't where I was supposed to be; at home or on the end of a phone line, available at your disposal. I took a walk in the fresh air instead. Even though you actually wanted for nothing, that was not allowed.


    Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

    ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

    Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


    • Question:
      Am I super human?
      I only ask, because for some reason people at work think I'm capable of doing three peoples jobs.

      No I'm NOT flamin' well super human


      • Originally posted by cardiffsteve View Post
        Thanks BM

        Got to get this off my chest or I won't sleep.

        How can someone tell you that you're good at your job but then say that you wouldn't betheir first choice if I applied for that job because I lack confidence.
        Yes I know I lack confidence but your not exactly forthcoming with helpful advice or direction about how to do the job.
        Why did you feel the need to tellme all this in front of a room full of people.

        You need to get some management and people skills.

        I am so wound up.
        I'm ranting for Steve:-
        Managers who lack the confidence to be able to speak to their staff face to face on an individual basis. Who are they to tell others that they lack confidence - they don't recognise a good employee when he's staring them in the face.
        ... and if the job is to be advertised, apply for it because you Steve, have the experience that others will not have. I hope you get to stay there - despite the prat that you have to put up with.


        • Must be the job whiinge day! When I have 2 hours off on monday so I can do a 10 hour day on tuesday because I have so many things to get thru that day...........don't bluddy call me 15 mins before I'm due to start, to try and find me so I can not go and do my job, but help you with yours. I have a bluddy job too! Where's the freaking manager when you need them? Oh right sorry, i can help so they don't need to. If the clients are not driving you barmy the staff are! Bluddy cheek!

          My blog:

          Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

          One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

          Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


          • Another job whinge, this time from a manager.

            Staff who have completely unrealistic expectations! You knew when you took your job that it would involve travel. You knew when you took your job that it would involve being on call. You knew when you took your job that would involve some early starts and some late finishes. All of that was in your job description when you took the job, why then are you now demanding set hours, no travel and no on call time yet still expecting to retain your junior manager status, salary and benefits?


            • Do not throw your blinking cigarette on to my blinking allotment plot you annoying blinking blinking blinking person.

              Whilst you see me looking at you too.



              • In a building that must house about 500 people why the hell can't they provide a decent staff room? i.e. somewhere you can sit down and eat your piece in peace away from your desk, rather than a cupboard with a microwave and kettle. I'm fed up having to answer the phone, see clients, answer stupid questions etc while I'm on my break just because I don't want to be a jobsworth and pretend I'm not here. Yes I can go to the library for peace but I can't eat in there. I can go to the student canteen but it's always packed and really noisy, besides both are halfway across campus and it's peeing down.

                I've a good mind to organise a picnic on the floor in the corridor, then they might actually take us seriously.


                • I want my contract to be made permanent
                  All the management team want my contract to be made permanent
                  All my feedback from everyone says I'm super awesome

                  I just need the WAG who I'm covering for to actually tell HR she isn't coming back
                  I just need the department Director to sign off on a recruitment form to make me permanent



                  • Originally posted by Pumpkin Becki View Post
                    Am I super human?
                    I only ask, because for some reason people at work think I'm capable of doing three peoples jobs.

                    No I'm NOT flamin' well super human

                    Yes you are xx

                    Binley really does Know best!
                    G4-Meteorological mastermind! Stone/String it's all covered!
                    Jeanied- Makes your day complete!!
                    PB- Masteress of Pumpkins!

                    I Don't Know who Dave is...But he's one cool Dude!
                    I Once was a Tuber but with a little practice!!


                    • PC World/ Currys

                      PC Keyboard bought �60...One Keyboard broken, returned. When is new stock due..."Dunno"...none in our store. ok Two weeks keyboard still required, go to PC Keyboards for gaming.....ring PC world.."whens new stock arriving?" Well they get 3 deliverys a week but no promise it will be there but we can promise it if you pay �3.99. My's a frikkin Keyboard not a NASA space rocket, why is it soo hard for a "PC" company to get another store to send it when they are 10 miles away!! and why the fook would i have to pay extra Bummocks to you PC World!! i hope Skynet sends terminators after ya! "Translation"...They are very norty and i hope they get their cumupance

                      Binley really does Know best!
                      G4-Meteorological mastermind! Stone/String it's all covered!
                      Jeanied- Makes your day complete!!
                      PB- Masteress of Pumpkins!

                      I Don't Know who Dave is...But he's one cool Dude!
                      I Once was a Tuber but with a little practice!!


                      • Originally posted by Andromeda View Post
                        Another job whinge, this time from a manager.
                        Giz a job!

                        How can one person be sent to prison for spending �1.4bn of banks money but when a company loses �164bn the Chief Exec gets away with a big payout and our country has to bail the bank out!


                        • Went for a pre-job interview today.
                          They dont think the company will ask me for formal interview because I have "too much experience!"
                          Sub text "too old"

                          Didnt really want to be an office junior at 50!
                          Last edited by cardiffsteve; 20-11-2012, 09:33 PM.


                          • B*mmer CS!

                            Bluddy little dog who starts whinging just after I get back to sleep this morning. I'm tired you little piece of poo! Couldn't sleep for a few hours, then daughter up and off to school, didn't miss the school bus hallelujah! And then it starts. Sooo d@mn tired! So I took the little blighter out put his harnes on and put him on his long lead, with water and a dog bed. and he's been barking ever since. Don't need it today.

                            My blog:

                            Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                            One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                            Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                            • And finally - I have a real rant!! I'm flooded. The heavy rain was too much for the outside drain and the water has backed up and into the house over the back door step. I've spent the last 2 hours trying to mop up inside, unblock the drain (unsuccessful) and bail out the water from the outside - back of the house and pour it down into the foul water drain. I am absolutely soaked, frozen, shivering and dog-tired. Just having a cup of coffee to warm up before I start mopping up downstairs again. Its still raining heavily. The good thing is - that I've put the electric blanket on so when I've finished I can hop into a warm bed Don't think I'll sleep though in case my bed floats out the door


                              • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                                Don't think I'll sleep though in case my bed floats out the door
                                Recently invented for use in the Welsh valleys ......................

                                He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                                Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


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