Originally posted by Mikeywills
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It would be different because we advise people on how to grow things which are pre-identified by seed packet or by labels on plants in shops. Trying to describe a wild plant is quite different. And the legal ramifications are best considered by someone with expertise in that area.
Fungi are, to my mind, the only contentious issue and nobody would attempt to identify a fungus from description or photo on here. We don't steer clear of discussing rhubarb, even though the leaves are poisonous or applepips or foxgloves etc. Most of the useful wild foods are already on here in some form - as Mikey says, elderflower, crab apples, nettles, haws. Its a question of pulling them all together somewhere.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostFungi are, to my mind, the only contentious issue and nobody would attempt to identify a fungus from description or photo on here. We don't steer clear of discussing rhubarb, even though the leaves are poisonous or applepips or foxgloves etc. Most of the useful wild foods are already on here in some form - as Mikey says, elderflower, crab apples, nettles, haws. Its a question of pulling them all together somewhere.Forbidden Fruits make many Jams.
Originally posted by SarzWix View PostWe've asked the question about the board, and Admin are discussing it. It's problematic due to the potential for bad advice and litigation, and so it may be a long discussion, and it may be an outright 'no', we'll just have to see.
2 - there are a lot of foraging experts on this website who can give some good, solid, safe advice - they're more likely to spot foraging questions and give that good advice if there is a section for it
3 - there are many other topics with potential for bad advice and litigation, such as beekeeping, or lawnmowers - even normal growing of fruit and veg - rhubarb leaves are poisonous but how often do people post disclaimers on rhubarb threads that leaves are poisonous?
jus' sayin ....
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostThe Ask Alys Fowler board has always puzzled me. There are no questions and no answers, and only one message from the lady herself refers to "attempting this marathon answering session". So what happened to the Qs & As?
I assumed that the Qs & As would be in the Sticky but they have been cleverly concealed because they are so old! To find them:-
Go to the Ask Alys Fowler Forum. Ask Alys Fowler
Scroll down the page to the Thread Display Options.
Go to "Show threads from the,,,," and from the Drop down list select "beginning"
20+ threads will appear, each a different question, not all were answered. Don't get too excited
EDIT - Ignore the above instructions - all Qs & As have been StickiedLast edited by veggiechicken; 30-06-2012, 07:35 AM.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostI either answer myself or you all make fun of me
So what aren't you getting now, Mikey? Don't answer that if it will embarrass you
Don't try to explain though, its getting late and I might not stay awake.I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostDo you find that you write a reply but haven't the foggiest what thread you're on - or is it just me?
its not just you, this should be on the insult thread.
Last edited by Mikey; 29-06-2012, 11:16 PM.I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostI must be, if I'm the only who's confused around here
Now remind me, what is this thread about?
I'm surprised they let me in here, I'm always sabotaging threads.Last edited by Mikey; 29-06-2012, 11:21 PM.I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.
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