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Any plumbers out there?


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  • #76
    if you're going to buy a spanner to do the job, get an adjustable one, something like this [but bigger obviously.
    Milli-Grip ratchet adjustable spanner 25mm size: DIY & Tools


    • #77
      The reason I didn't suggest valveing off the supplies is because it depends on what type of valve they are and how old they are as to whether its is worth the trouble they could give you. Can you describe them to me or take a pic?

      If you go this way don't trust the valves in the first instance open the drain cock carefully to ensure they have turned off. Sometimes they corrode inside and even I would find it impossible to make them shut off.

      The way to measure the nut is from face to face, easiest way if your not sure is to get two pieces of flat wood and pinch them onto two opposing faces you can then measure the distance between the two pieces.

      I do use spanners on certain jobs but I find 'grips' proper name gland nut pliers more versatile to the extent I carry four different sizes. Obviously I don't know how strong your grip is (thats how they get their nickname) but to get a good purchase with grips strong hands are a must.

      Potty by name Potty by nature.

      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

      Aesop 620BC-560BC



      • #78

        Pics attached to show the 3 valves to rads/water.

        Also one shows a pot of inhibitor set into the pipes....never paid any attention to that does this mean I don't need the F1?

        The last pic shows in the bottom corner what I hope it the drain cock in the boiler...can you confirm this is it?

        The heating has been installed almost 6 yrs this boiler only 18months.

        Forgot to ask could you send a link to some pliers....I can't find them!!

        Thanks so much
        Attached Files
        Last edited by peanut; 05-07-2012, 03:44 PM.
        Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
        Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

        Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


        • #79
          OK lucky you lever action ball vavles and newish to. Just turn the handle through a 1/4 turn and they should be off. You only need to turn off the two pipes that supply the radiators you can then drain the boiler through the drain cock in the pic.

          The black pot I think is a scale inhibitor should be on a water supply not heating supplies can you confrim this?

          What is now more of a concern is that the boiler has only been installed 18 months. It is most unusual for an expansion vessel to fail in such a short time.

          When you drain the water let me know if it is black coloured.

          Sorry I know about plumbing but me post a link, I have to admit I would have no idea how to. Maybe another grape will pick up this one. You could google plumbers grips I got lots of hits. You might try the B&Q Depot they keep them in in various sizes, you can then find out if your comfortable with them before you buy.

          Potty by name Potty by nature.

          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

          Aesop 620BC-560BC



          • #80
            Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
            OK lucky you lever action ball vavles and newish to. Just turn the handle through a 1/4 turn and they should be off. You only need to turn off the two pipes that supply the radiators you can then drain the boiler through the drain cock in the pic.

            The black pot I think is a scale inhibitor should be on a water supply not heating supplies can you confrim this?

            What is now more of a concern is that the boiler has only been installed 18 months. It is most unusual for an expansion vessel to fail in such a short time.

            When you drain the water let me know if it is black coloured.

            Sorry I know about plumbing but me post a link, I have to admit I would have no idea how to. Maybe another grape will pick up this one. You could google plumbers grips I got lots of hits. You might try the B&Q Depot they keep them in in various sizes, you can then find out if your comfortable with them before you buy.


            Lol!!!! If I can give anyone reading this a word of advice it would be DO NOT choose a Warmflow boiler.

            This is my 3rd boiler since November 06.

            The first one...the casing perished on the hot water tank at just over a year old.

            The second one same problem plus the expansion vessel, about 14-18 months.

            This one was put in November 2010.

            I have had a complete nightmare from day least I'm learning something this time!


            The inhibitor is on the domestic cold pipe.
            Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
            Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

            Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


            • #81
              Peanut, I'm horrified! This is your 3rd boiler in 6 years and you've had this same problem before. Can't you pursue this with the installers/manufacturers because it just doesn't sound fit for purpose. I've tried Goggling Warmflow boilers but their website isn't loading. Do they still exist?


              • #82
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Peanut, I'm horrified! This is your 3rd boiler in 6 years and you've had this same problem before. Can't you pursue this with the installers/manufacturers because it just doesn't sound fit for purpose. I've tried Goggling Warmflow boilers but their website isn't loading. Do they still exist?

                I had the first one replaced and that was like getting blood out of a stone, their customer service was horrendous, I had to get the Regional Manager round to get things sorted.

                I also spoke to Trading Standards but they said that any warranty runs from the installation/purchase of the first item so after the intial 2yr warranty expired they weren't obliged to replace the second boiler if anything went wrong...which I knew it would and here we are 17 months later and it's happening least the casing on the hot water hasn't perished.....yet.

                I thought the "fit for purpose" rule had meaning...but it seems not.
                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                • #83
                  Yep that then is a scale inhibitor. That's to help remove the scale from the domestic cold water supply to stop the plate heat exchanger blocking. You will still need the F1 which is to prevent debris build up in the central heating system.

                  One step I forgot to mention have you identified each of the pipes and what it does? I think the answer to that will be a yes but I ask anyway.

                  As to your problems with the manufacturer, the man from trading standards was talking rubbish. Items sold must be fit for purpose and the failure rate you are suffering is not exceptable, Your statutory rights are not affected by the manufacturers guarantee and all items have an acceptable working life. Failure within that working life should result in some form of compensation.

                  You seem to me to be a confident sort of person I hope your feisty too. Therefore may I suggest that you contact trading standards yet again and when they say they can't/won't help tell them you are going to contact your MP and Watchdog or similar program to complain both about the Warmflow product and the service provided by your trading standards office. You will observe the person going white, they may even shake a little.

                  Then DO IT in writing and copy both Warmflow & trading standards with the letters. See if that gets some movement.

                  In the letter to your MP mention that you are contacting a TV company in the hope they will take it up this will put pressure on him/her to act and make an effort on your behalf.

                  You might also ask him/her if Warmflow has anything to do with Warmfront (government agency) or is it just a coincidence that the names are so similar.

                  In other words when this present problem is sorted out take time to have a really good old fashioned SH one T stir.

                  Potty by name Potty by nature.

                  By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                  We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                  Aesop 620BC-560BC



                  • #84
                    Oh by the way I am a very good stirrer to.

                    Potty by name Potty by nature.

                    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                    Aesop 620BC-560BC



                    • #85
                      Well said Potty! My problem may be that if Peanut "interferes" with the boiler Warmfront may not accept liability and may wriggle out of it.


                      • #86
                        I kicked up hugely the first and second time but Warmflow would not budge......about extending the warranty, they weren't even happy about replacing the boilers. In truth the experience was a complete nightmare.

                        I just don't want all that hassle again.
                        Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                        Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                        Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          Well said Potty! My problem may be that if Peanut "interferes" with the boiler Warmfront may not accept liability and may wriggle out of it.
                          You're quite right VC I'm sure.
                          Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                          Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                          Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                          • #88
                            VC thats a thought but for some strange reason I can't get their web site to load either.

                            How ever due to the known history of this boiler a 'a complaint as already been lodged with trading standards' I still think it is worth persueing in fact I would turn it into a vendetta. One way or another people at both Warmfront & the local trading standards would be loosing sleep over this one.

                            I am not sure about oil boilers but gas boilers until recently had a stated service life of 15 years, do to the complexity of the modern high efficiency boilers Which has just down graded that to 10 years.

                            Potty by name Potty by nature.

                            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                            Aesop 620BC-560BC



                            • #89
                              My Worcester Combi oil boiler is at least 12 years old and I've never had to repressurise it or adjust it in anyway. Its serviced annually and thats it. (Better not speak too soon though!).


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
                                VC thats a thought but for some strange reason I can't get their web site to load either.

                                How ever due to the known history of this boiler a 'a complaint as already been lodged with trading standards' I still think it is worth persueing in fact I would turn it into a vendetta. One way or another people at both Warmfront & the local trading standards would be loosing sleep over this one.

                                I am not sure about oil boilers but gas boilers until recently had a stated service life of 15 years, do to the complexity of the modern high efficiency boilers Which has just down graded that to 10 years.


                                It's nothing to do with's Warmflow!

                                Here's their website

                                I didn't lodge a complaint with Trading Standards, I called them for advice and that was what the lady I spoke with told me.
                                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


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