We have been thinking about getting a dog for ages, and have been doing some research into different breeds to try and make sure that when we do take the plunge we get the right one for our family. As we often have small children around, any dog we get must be totally trustworthy and not in the slightest bit aggressive. If we could find the perfect dog it would meet the following criteria:-
Affectionate, happy to have lots of cuddles
Likes children
Not nervous/timid
Playful but also happy to chill out
Friendly with people and other dogs
Able to get on with cats (and chickens)
Happy to be groomed/bathed
Easy(ish) to train
Not 'yappy'
Able to manage long walks (when we have the time) but happy with shorter walks when we are short of time
Happy to be left at home on its own sometimes
Not destructive
Small or medium sized (I used to love big slobbery dogs but couldn't cope with that any more!)
Doesn't shed too much
Am I looking for the impossible? I know there is no such thing as the "perfect" dog but can anyone suggest a breed that meets most, if not all, of the above, which may suit our family?
Affectionate, happy to have lots of cuddles
Likes children
Not nervous/timid
Playful but also happy to chill out
Friendly with people and other dogs
Able to get on with cats (and chickens)
Happy to be groomed/bathed
Easy(ish) to train
Not 'yappy'
Able to manage long walks (when we have the time) but happy with shorter walks when we are short of time
Happy to be left at home on its own sometimes
Not destructive
Small or medium sized (I used to love big slobbery dogs but couldn't cope with that any more!)
Doesn't shed too much
Am I looking for the impossible? I know there is no such thing as the "perfect" dog but can anyone suggest a breed that meets most, if not all, of the above, which may suit our family?