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What I wish I had known


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  • What I wish I had known

    when I took on my allotment.

    Weeds grow faster than veg
    If you don't dig up perennial roots they will grow back.
    People will pinch your veg and anything else moveable.
    Label label label you might think you will remember what’s in the tray but you will forget.
    Next year I will keep a diary so I do know what date I planted my parsnip seeds and what date they grow if they ever do.
    You need to give up everything to tend your plot.
    You get obsessed with the grapevine.

    Any more?

    Oh yes and home grown veg taste fantastic.

  • #2
    I may be 'sad' but I'm happy being 'sad'!!!!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #3
      I can help you with the Parsnips PP, I planted mine on Sunday after having them on damp kitchen towel for a couple of weeks

      Yes labels are important but you can just do it on your computer or in a notebook you don't need to put labels in the ground and whatever you use your memory will fade faster than a pencil
      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pottypotter View Post
        when I took on my allotment.

        Label label label you might think you will remember what’s in the tray but you will forget.

        And dont forget to use permanent marker. I have 3 trays of "Peppers and Chillies "various" "because my ink washed off my carefully prepared labels when watering.

        I know it seems obvious now but 7 yr old kids dont mix well with permanent markers so i used her waterproof ones. I now have my own safely locked away to avoid those sunday morning wall scribbling disasters


        • #5
          How true PP, how true!
          Bernie aka Dexterdog
          PS Keep a tube of Ralgax ready for rubbing on your back when you've done too much! LOL! where did I put mine?
          Bernie aka DDL

          Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


          • #6
            meant non- waterproof ones lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by has-bean View Post
              meant non- waterproof ones lol
              Ah yes! and black marker pens to avoid that awful....b****r! the sun has faded my red marker pen labels!

              Bernie aka Dexterdog
              Bernie aka DDL

              Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


              • #8
                I agree with you all the way PottyPotter except the "people will pinch your veg ...... etc" I don't doubt what I read on here in relation to these matters, but it hasn't been my experience of people. How sad it should be like that.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #9
                  Unfortunately, it's true Alice....
                  The Piglets went on holiday last year, to find all their Strawberries had been pinched from their No. 1 Allotment. Cross my Heart.
                  Honest, it's shameful.....


                  • #10
                    I have found that there are many people out there that will steal things if you dont secure them. I dont have an allotment as I have a garden and I've had things stolen from here too... while we sleep. It is not a good situation. I now have security cameraa to deter people but I shouldn't have to so I know how you feel.
                    Look not from the mind, but from the soul. For the life that is coming is already before us, waiting to open up the world. Just look more closely. Find the eyes to see. - Celestine Prophecy 1st insight

                    Visit my blog:


                    • #11
                      Make note of how many rows/plants you grow.......I get to the new season asking the same question....
                      how many did I grow last year?
                      I use a 2b pencil on my ok and I clean them with jiff!
                      Last edited by Headfry; 25-04-2007, 11:14 AM.


                      • #12
                        I am totally amazed to hear that people have had plants stolen, especially from their back gardens! Just goes to show, you get dishonest people in all walks of life. It's especially a shame since I keep reading articles about how allotments encourage a community spirit and so on.


                        • #13
                          I think in some areas they think allotmenteers grow FOR THE COMMUNITY. And that makes it *OK* to help-them-selves.
                          "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.” - Leo Aikman


                          • #14
                            I wish I had known:

                            Foxes will destroy your plots and your patience
                            Digging will ruin your fun
                            Other gardeners know best
                            Chatting to other alotmenteers will take up more than half your time
                            Weeds are evil


                            • #15
                     might need to buy a freezer!
                              .....mud really can be fun
                              .....and how dirty can your car really get?!!!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


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