Don't know what to blame. The weather. The second job. The house renovations. The fact there are not enough hours in the day. The fact that my potatoes are succumbing to blight. That I have not managed to harvest ONE strawberry from a full 8x4 bed of 30 plants. That my garlic is PATHETIC. That not one beetroot has survived the slug onslaught..The list goes on....
Have taken up my Pentland Javelin - got about a sackful of medium sized tubers. If they had been able to resist the blight for just a few weeks more, they'd have been fab! The King Ted's are going the same way - will have to get them out by the end of the week I expect.
Have taken up my Pentland Javelin - got about a sackful of medium sized tubers. If they had been able to resist the blight for just a few weeks more, they'd have been fab! The King Ted's are going the same way - will have to get them out by the end of the week I expect.