Well I've had a pretty torrid time with bees. I somehow managed to loose my queen. The bees tried to raise a new one but failed. I therefore had to purchase one and introduce her to the hive. Without a queen the bees can become very aggressive. On one visit I was stung five times, this is through gloves and a beekeeping suit
I put the new queen inside a cage into the hive so that the bees wouldn't kill her. The idea is that the queen will ask the workers to feed her and that they will gradually get used to her scent and accept her as their new queen. I left her like this for three days and then went back to hive. She was alive so the workers were obviously feeding her. I released her into the hive, shut it up very quickly and left them with some sugar syrup to keep them busy. I've left it a week and went up yesterday to see how things were. The bees were much quieter and I spotted the queen going about her business and obviously accepted as the new Monarch.
I've given them some more sugar syrup and will treat for varroa in the next couple of weeks. I want the hive to be in the best possible condition for winter. No honey this year but I will hopefully make up for this in 2008.

I've given them some more sugar syrup and will treat for varroa in the next couple of weeks. I want the hive to be in the best possible condition for winter. No honey this year but I will hopefully make up for this in 2008.