I just loved the Big Dig programme that has been on UK TV these last three weeks, it is very addictive. Even my husband made time to watch it. And I just fell in love with everyone in Wales. But ..... is anyone like me ......... when I'm in the garden now when speaking to myself (I assume everyone does this
I 'ave a lovely Welsh accent ! Its just a shame you can't h'ere me.
I had ho-ped that this would be ide-al for our next play, but we are doin' Oliver!
With the most humble apologies to any of our Welsh Grapes!

I 'ave a lovely Welsh accent ! Its just a shame you can't h'ere me.
I had ho-ped that this would be ide-al for our next play, but we are doin' Oliver!
With the most humble apologies to any of our Welsh Grapes!