Hi, i couldn't find a post that mentioned this, so i thought i would. It's my first post so I hope it's in the right place!
I thought people might find it interesting to watch the BBC programme "Mud, Sweat and Tractors: The Story Of Agriculture."
I watched it and really enjoyed it so i thought others who hadn't seen it might do too! It's available on BBC iPlayer until 11pm on Tuesday 14th Aug.
Here is the link!
BBC iPlayer - Mud, Sweat and Tractors: The Story of Agriculture: Fruit and Veg
I thought people might find it interesting to watch the BBC programme "Mud, Sweat and Tractors: The Story Of Agriculture."
I watched it and really enjoyed it so i thought others who hadn't seen it might do too! It's available on BBC iPlayer until 11pm on Tuesday 14th Aug.
Here is the link!
BBC iPlayer - Mud, Sweat and Tractors: The Story of Agriculture: Fruit and Veg
