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Ruthless seed sorting!


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  • #16
    But they're all so old. I'd hate the kids to be disappointed if nothing grew. I'd probably end up giving them the new seeds and keeping the old for myself


    • #17
      If the seeds were taken out,a few put between something like selotape,or some other modern invention,surely they could be used in a short lesson about what we eat,and how it grows ext,if you get me drift,unless the powers that be say to risky,am sure two sheds will know the answer to this one,if no good,would the empty packet do instead,see am trying to find a good use here for you,
      VC,re you had no lettuce,have you thought about having a trough/rrowing space on legs,ask you handyman,you only need make the 4 legs snug proof,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • #18
        Oh, VC. I have loads of seeds but not quite as many packets of lettuce as that. I did have a bit of a prune at the beginning of the year though.

        They don't call me Singleseeder for nothing. I sow literally one seed per module and with lettuce and brassicas I'm rarely disappointed. Even then I end up with far too many plants having sown a few of several varieties and salad leaves and strir fry and italian mix........... well, you get my drift don't you?
        Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are probably right.
        Edited: for typo, thakns VC


        • #19
          Glad you understand SS Half the problem are these free packets of seed, or cheap offers for say 10 packets - there's always lettuce, radish, carrots, peppers and Moneymaker - and so they mount up, and up.....
          I give away whatever I can but somethings nobody wants
          So its grand clearout time I need to regain my cupboard space.


          • #20
            Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
            VC,re you had no lettuce,have you thought about having a trough/rrowing space on legs,ask you handyman,you only need make the 4 legs snug proof,
            I'm not even that keen on lettuce, Lottie - I'd rather eat mixed salad leaves for the variety. They're OK in the greenhouse where I can keep an eye on them. Have some in pots too. A big soft floppy lettuce does nothing for me


            • #21
              A big soft floppy lettuce does nothing for me
              Then grow crispy cos, or iceberg lettuce, rather than butterheads


              • #22
                I do, Thelma, when I can!! The little ones or the salad bowl sort that you just pick a few leaves from at a go.


                • #23
                  That's ok then, I believe you - thousands wouldn't


                  • #24
                    'Tis true, honest I don't mind the packets of mixed lettuces either - so I shall be making up my own mixtures before I cast them to the winds.


                    • #25
                      Use it instead of spinach for your Gert bed VC.


                      • #26
                        That's what I've been thinking Zaz - a sort of green manure


                        • #27
                          Precisely. Don't waste it! At the very least it will eventually be compost.


                          • #28
                            hmmm talking to a fella t'other day who protected all his plants with lettuce . Snugs ate the lettuce and left his other stuff alone......I tried to do the same thing . They ignored the lettuce and went for the valuables......
                            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                            • #29
                              A garden that I visited at the weekend uses forgetmenots to protect plants. She reckoned that slugs don't touch them and she rings her veggie beds with the flowers. She had wonderful lettuce


                              • #30
                                I have wonderful lettuce .......its everything else that is chewed
                                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


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