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yet another night of no sleep


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  • #61
    Do King charles's have many issues as a breed.

    OH wants a dog for the little one, and I know who will end up being the full time carer, muggings. I've been fancying a fox terrier, or a Welsh terrier cross, as the welsh are quite tall. King charles do have lovely faces.
    I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


    • #62
      Heart murmurs are the norm. Mine are Cavalier King Charles, not King Charles -they are more Pekey!
      Lovely breed, brilliant with kids, I've had 6, mostly rescue ones, 2 lived to 14-15. The present ones are 10 and 8.


      • #63
        I see, yes it was the cavalier I had in my minds eye, they have proper spanial noses. Do they need much walking, Once I get a head of steam up I can go walking for a couple of hours.

        When you said pekey, I read Pikey, I envisage a travellers dog.
        Last edited by Mikey; 30-08-2012, 12:37 PM.
        I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


        • #64
          A fit Cavalier will keep going for hours - 8-10 miles no probs. Equally, they don't get too stressed if they have to settle for less exercise.


          • #65
            OH would prefer a rescue dog, but they generally seem reluctant to let them go to homes with children.

            Where did you get yours from VC if you don't mind me asking?
            I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


            • #66
              Mine are ex Puppy farm bitches - they come with issues because they haven't been socialised or trained as pups. Not recommended if you're not used to having a dog around. I'll PM you some animal sanctuaries that may have something for you.


              • #67
                Hey guys well I'm out shopping glad to get out of the house see what bargains I can get
                In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                • #68
                  Originally posted by darcyvuqua View Post
                  Hey guys well I'm out shopping glad to get out of the house see what bargains I can get
                  I could have sworn you said the doctor wanted you to rest for a couple of weeks?

                  I remember the crutches, have you got some gel gloves, they take a lot of the pressure off your palms.
                  I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                  • #69
                    As I have had surgery on both legs I'm in a wheel chair for a bit so have not done anything arduous really
                    In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Mikeywills View Post
                      I've been fancying a fox terrier, or a Welsh terrier cross
                      The Kennel Club (as you've probably already checked out) say this about the foxy: "Cheerful and happy, he makes an excellent children�s playmate and family pet"

                      They were spot on with our choice of breed, she's brilliant (for us) and brilliant with our existing pets & children
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #71
                        Over the years we've had two Fox terriers, a wire haired dog who lived until he was 8 then a smooth coated bitch who was 12y when she died. The dog was a character he'd do what I told him but only in his own time like when I say 'go get in your basket' he would walk around the outside of the room instead of directly to his bed. did love him though.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • #72
                          I have two friends with Fox Terriers. One is a wire t'other is smooth. Both such characters. The smooth one is at the stables, and he always comes rushing up to greet me when I get out of the car. He's a proper little s*d actually, but I love him so much!

                          Just don't tell my 'Triever I said that!

                          Glad you are on the mend Darcy.
                          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                          • #73
                            I'm on my way to get my stitches out Yey
                            In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



                            • #74
                              Originally posted by darcyvuqua View Post
                              As I have had surgery on both legs I'm in a wheel chair for a bit so have not done anything arduous really
                              Then darcy I would definitely recommend you get a pair of gel wheelchair gloves whether you progress to crutches or not, they are a must have item if you aren't fond of callouses. They are about �20 in the shops but you can find them for around �5-6 quid on ebay.

                              I was on crutches for about 6 months all told, (I broke my legs and had 3 surgeries reconstructing my knee. The gloves allowed me to go shopping, pick the littleun up from school, etc. The tendons in your palm take quite a battering on crutches as they are not designed for comfort, its like deciding from now on I'm only going to walk around via the means of a set of parallel bars. You'll have shoulders like Arnie by the end of it.
                              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                              • #75
                                just like to say thanks to everyone who wished me well im up and about a little without the aide of my crutches feels good to shower and do basic things for myself give in another week or two and i will be back pottering up the allotment not to do anything of a hard nature just pottering
                                In the following link you can follow my recent progress on the plot



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