Final planning stages for our wedding the following year.
No announcement yet.
Wondering...what were we all doing at aged 22
I started the year in Nottingham, finishing my MSc. I then started work in Dartford with a diagnostics company. Not the nicest town, but I do remember having quite a laugh, there, despite a traumatic start. I moved on the Thursday, to a house whose owner worked at my new company. She greeted me with a list of rules.
I wasn't allowed in the kitchen (she even got drinks if we wanted one),
She made the packed lunches (not liking mayo, salad cream or pickle, I was given cheese),
No guests,
The kitten (8 weeks old) lived in the conservatory and wasn' allowed in the house (he apparently was being 'trained' to be an outdoors cat),
I couldn't have my own key and had to leave the house when she did.
When my BF at the time left, I sat on the child's bed (in a box room) that I was supposed to call home and cried. I turned up to work on the Monday and told them the situation and I had somewhere else by Thursday. My only regret is not taking the kitten. Absolute beetch of a woman. However, at the end of year 22, I got my own pony and still have him now!
Just remembered, I wasn't allowed to use the living room, either and an alarm was set in the house so nobody went downstairs after they went to bed!Last edited by SlugLobber; 05-09-2012, 12:11 PM.
Cor Lobber, it sounds like some kind of modern housing reform scheme ! (
Except nowadays there would be no en-suite kittens or sandwiches, it would be pure pickle.
There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.
Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?
Sheesh......Colditz sounded more relaxed and homely than that SL. I expect, when the outdoors-trained kitten was old enough, he left home by himself. Cats will if it's bad enough, they'll go and choose a new human.Last edited by julesapple; 05-09-2012, 02:04 PM.Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
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I expect, when the outdoors-trained kitten was old enough, he left home by himself.I just had this sudden mental image of a Puss In Boots character setting off, complete with stick-with-handkerchief-bag over shoulder !
There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.
Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?
So long ago - hard to pinpoint 22 actually. Moved into the nurses home when I was 16 1/2 and spent 3 yrs learning to be a nurse, and torturing matron with out late night comings and goings
Then headed to Sydney from the country at 20. Lived in shared flats for a while - never having had sisters hadn't realised quite how nasty girls can be to each other. Think I had a tiny flat at the back and underneath a house by then. After working in an office for a change I went to work at the Kids hospital, had a serious of old cars that kept me broke. Worked hard, partied hard, but still went home to the country on w/e's to ride my horse and keep up with old nursing friends. Not a bad time of life.Ali
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One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Originally posted by julesapple View PostSheesh......Colditz sounded more relaxed and homely than that SL. I expect, when the outdoors-trained kitten was old enough, he left home by himself. Cats will if it's bad enough, they'll go and choose a new human.
When I was 22 I was stuck and trapped by a horrible cow that I couldn't stand (very long story), I managed to escape when I was 28. I'm now in my mid forties and married to a lovely cowthat I wouldn't swap for the world
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At 22 I had had 3 children, just moved out of a 'flatlet' (big room with teeny weeny kitchen and cupboard converted to a 'bathroom') into an actual house with seperate bedrooms and - get this - a real shower! Married for 5 years.
The house cost us all my OH (at the time's) wage - he worked around 50 hours a week, and we lived on my saturday job wage of �18.25 a week for food and bills.
Shortly after this I lost my eldest son.
So not really a time I'd wish for again.
Had finally decided to quit my dead end retail job and go back to resit my college exams so I could get into Uni. Moved to Aberdeen, got a summer job driving a van for the Council (skive on wheels), met my now OH, passed my exams and got into Uni - probably the best year of my life.
At 22 I was...
Finishing the last year of a degree, but not the degree I'd started 4 years previously
Living with Mr OWG in our first house together
Subsisting on pasta and tinned tomatoes in said house
Waiting to find out what was wrong with my sister (diagnosed with cancer in June that year, been fighting it ever since)
Planning my wedding, writing my dissertation, working 3 part time jobs as well as going to uni
Getting married
NOT having children (which everyone thought we were doing because I was getting married so young)
at 22 I was....
pregnant for most of it! Working as a Quality Assurance technician for a food manufacturing firm and generally enjoying life. Earning decent money for once (sadly not since) and preparing for babs who will be 12 later this year and has just started secondary schoolKirsty b xx
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