I don't get the anti maggot brigade... I used to use loads when I was fishing. They are dry, they don't smell and are completely harmless???
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What insect do you find most repulsive?
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Wriggly rice must be a Japanese delicacyMy new website for allotment beginners www.theallotmentshed.co.uk
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I had some yellowish rice... I didn't notice it moving much so must have been cooked thoroughlyMy new website for allotment beginners www.theallotmentshed.co.uk
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My (ex) Auntie used to live abroad (in the forces, when she was married to my Unc). In one place they lived, she threw heaps and heaps of rice away, as it had 'things' in it, and it drove her potty. Then, one day, one of the locals told her it was normal for their climate. You just boil the rice, in plenty of water, stir it regularly, and skim the corpses off the top!
*Pukes...Last edited by Glutton4...; 09-09-2012, 08:49 PM.All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Originally posted by Cue the Toms View PostBlimey, I thought I was bad. Although yes, horseflies do also leave me in a lot of discomfort for a long time.. Anything that bites me seems to take an excessively long time to heal. I have no idea why and it only seems to have been in recent years??? I have asked my Dr. but they just tell me to buy some anti-histamines to use as and when I get bit.
Got bitten on Jubilee Weekend by a mozzie, through my jeans, and I've still got the mark on my thigh. It looked like breast implant gone wrong, took weeks for the swelling to go down. And, boy, did it ever itch!Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
I too have reactions to biting insects, again only over recent years. - Im sure its linked to my hayfever/asthma etc but never mind.
Im also not too keen on wasps, they however, love me!
I love maggots, theyre lovely clean little creatures, I remember hanging raw chicken up in margarine tubs when i was little, 'growing my own' although that did stink a bit when it hit the 'frothy' stage!<*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>
Originally posted by alldigging View PostThis year has seen me get over my revulsion of squishing slugs and snails... but faced with the sudden appearance of an earwig a few weeks ago I did squeak a bit.
Saw another today and just didn't want to have to touch it to squish it.
*urgh* They are just a bit not nice.
I hate earwigs with a passion. Found one in the compost and chopped it in half... it kept crawling.... *shudder*. They don't frighten me, I just hate them.Last edited by KittyColdNose; 30-08-2013, 09:14 PM.When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it.
If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.
I am a big bloke, and terrified of little spiders, Last night in bed a real big one ran up our bed spread and onto the bed, its was fast and had real attitude, our eyes met and i threw my book at it but missed! it actualy reared up like a bloody horse, i am sure it cursed me. It ran across the bed and down the other side. I leapt out of bed and the comotion woke my wife who lept out of bed too thinking that from my terrified girly screams there must at least be a python in the room. A good hour of searching and we gave up, but could i sleep? I knew it was somewhere watching me, waiting for me to nod off so it could spin me into a ball and lay eggs in my ears. Then the bed side lamp on my wifes sided began to tremble and I saw it walking round the shade. I ran downstairs (the wife thought I had deserted her) and came back with the vax. It went up that pipe with a loud plopping noise.
Back in bed secure at last I was just dozing off when a thought occured to me, What is to stop him crawling back out? So as the clock struck 3 am I could be seen stuffing toilet roll sheets up the pipe.
I am not proud of this unreasonable fear, but I really do think they are intent on world domination.photo album of my garden in my profile http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...my+garden.html
I really don't like having a daddylonglegs zooming round the room. They always seem to dive bomb me and they make that creepy rattling noise and as for those long legs...ugh! I don't mind them in the garden, just not in the house and especially not when I'm in bed trying to sleep! I wouldn't actually kill one though, it has to be caught (by my husband of course) and put out the window.The best things in life are not things.
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by Marb67I have just given it a real pruning before it comes into leaf in the hope of getting some regeneration and the tree not having to work as hard getting water and nutrients higher up. If this doesn't work I'll replace it next year with something else.
Ps, why when I upload an image do I get...1 PhotoToday, 01:40 PM
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