and actually it's for guinea pigs.
I've been gifted one of these
and it's too heavy for me to move around our lawn (so the girls can graze fresh grass).
I want to put wheels on so it's mobile. Which wheels? How big? How do they attach?
We've been trawling the Net, but just can't find the right info or stockists. Any good ideas, kind grapes?
This one's great, I like the large wheels

As usual, I don't know the jargon and terminology used for "building stuff"
If possible, tell me what I need to buy and do in "blonde"
and actually it's for guinea pigs.
I've been gifted one of these
and it's too heavy for me to move around our lawn (so the girls can graze fresh grass).
I want to put wheels on so it's mobile. Which wheels? How big? How do they attach?
We've been trawling the Net, but just can't find the right info or stockists. Any good ideas, kind grapes?
This one's great, I like the large wheels

As usual, I don't know the jargon and terminology used for "building stuff"
If possible, tell me what I need to buy and do in "blonde"
