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Tea or Coffee?


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  • #46
    Time for bed VC
    Enjoy your tea
    Good night fair maiden.


    • #47
      Nos da, Steve, Cysgwch yn dawel


      • #48
        Does Tea Go Bad? | Does It Go Bad?

        There's a website for everytink dees days.


        • #49
          Thanks for looking Zaz I had a little gurgle myself and got the impression that very few folk hoard tea for 14 years. It would help if I was a tea drinker and could actually tell the difference between fresh tea and stale.
          Is there some other use I could put it to - like an insecticide or ant deterrent? I feel another Gurgle coming on


          • #50
            Could you brew it, let it go cold and water your house or garden plants?

            I suppose you could make my Nan's tea loaf? She was born in Bridgend so it's a good recipe.....

            1 cup dried fruit
            1 cup sugar
            1 cup strong tea

            Put the fruit and sugar in the tea, leave overnight.

            Then add 1 egg and two cups of SR flour. Bake in a large loaf tin at Gas 6 for about an hour or until an inserted skewer comes away cleanly. Can be frozen in slices, or whole.

            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


            • #51
              Thanks Jules - sounds delish
              There are plenty of recipes for tea wine around too. At the moment I'm sipping some unknown tea that has bits in - some sort of fruit tea I guess. Probably even older than 14! I think I've found a new vocation - vintage tea taster to gentlefolk


              • #52
                Mug of Red Bush with brekkie (made with T-bag), loose leaf Jasmine all day at work and normal builders tea (Rington's deliver to my MILs and we both love their tea) in the evening. Love the smell of good coffee but find the taste totally disappointing and not worth it at all so only ever drink it when there's nothing else going in meetings but even then usually find some water instead.

                Oh yes and tea can go off, depends on how it's kept, if stored properly it'll last for years but when it goes off it does taste rank.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #53
                  I'm definitely a tea man nowadays. I used to be able to drink coffee as well, but suddenly I found it made me extremely ill - as in, hangover ill - and not only that, extremely hyperactive.
                  As in babbling maniac, has to be peeled off ceiling and slapped repeatedly to reduce frenetic activity, while deep inside an appalled self watches and listens in impotent shock. Rather like a high in bipolar illness must feel, I imagine. Very funny in retrospect but with a terrifying potential for social fallout.
                  Lovely soft Scots water up here, so Scottish Blend, Punjanna (sp?) and funnily that Yorkshire stuffie seems to taste best. Back in the day when I had more money and less seeds to buy, I used to experiment with different varieties, found Lapsong Souchong and Chai an acquired taste, but English Breakfast and Assam are the Bee's Knees...! (Earl Grey, for those who need to worry about bouncing blood sugar, seems for me at least to have an easier letdown from the usual caffeine-related bounce - probably because Oil of Bergamot is a stimulant which breaks down at a different rate.)
                  These days, it's 50/50 whether or not I drink a Fairtrade brew, or Redbush of some description. With vanilla is lovely, as the Rice Dream I drink with it often has vanilla in I often don't need to get the variety with vanilla added.
                  The biology of how our tastes change is fascinating. If I remember correctly, what happens is that our tastebuds "dial down" sensitivity of what they are exposed to most over a prolonged time, which means that other chemicals that are more rarely tasted have a much stronger effect. Not only that, but what we often ingest, we develop a liking for, even if it is bad for us - neurological pathways strengthen and reinforce a feeling that something is missing if usual substances are not there. So there are two reasons why we tend to end up wanting stronger coffee, and notice negative aspects of what we don't usually have.
                  Wish I could learn to like green tea, it's so much better for you than black...

                  P.S. Veggie, send me your old Sri Lankan tea if you want...I drank a packet of loose tea earlier this year from my holidays there, it was fine mixed with something else fresher.
                  There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                  Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                  • #54
                    It would be a pleasure Sno!! I'll PM you


                    • #55
                      Has to be tea!

                      Either decaf fairtrade tea (1 sugar, almond milk), or TeaPig's chocolate teabags (half a sugar only, leave the bag in)

                      1 cup in a morning of the decaf, and a cup of TeaPigs in the evening


                      • #56
                        I only drink tea if eating a fried breakfast. Bean to cup coffee (no milk or sugar) or Nescafe Alta Rica with no milk, 1/2 spoon of honey for me


                        • #57
                          I wonder if the French grapes who were tea drinkers in England have become coffee lovers in France?

                          Some relations of ours who were hardened tea-in-mug drinkers now reside in France and drink coffee in cups and saucers.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • #58
                            were hardened tea-in-mug drinkers now reside in France and drink coffee in cups and saucer
                            Sacre Bleu ! Zut alors !
                            There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                            Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                            • #59
                              Tea for me....good strong stuff (We usually buy Red Label or Clippers when its payday!) drop of soya milk and either a half spoonful of sugar or sweetener.
                              I like good green tea, particularly proper Japanese Sencha, I drink the herbal ones too....usually nettle
                              or camomile...

                              Cant stand coffee, as I have to drink it black which is disgusting! (Puke sign)


                              • #60
                                Since becoming a low-carber, I am forced to drink my coffee with double cream. It's a hard slog but, hey!

                                Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

                                ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

                                Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


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