Bean and I spent the weekend together, and on Sunday morning I made him sausage sandwiches with seeded bread.
He wasn't overly fussed, and attempted to tell me he was "full" on a number of occasions. On one of his last mouthfuls he asked what was in the bread, and I replied it was seeds. "Ah, that's why I don't like it daddy - it's the seeds".
I then explained how seeds were good, and that we grew our carrots from seeds, and beans, tomatoes and so on.
He then sat there and meticulously picked off several seeds before I asked what he was doing.
"I'm saving seeds daddy, so we can grow some more bread".
*cue massive man melting*
I then explained how bread was really made (even though he knew this having made bread on several occasions), and he then asked me what the seeds on the bread would grow into.
Makes me smile does that boy.
He wasn't overly fussed, and attempted to tell me he was "full" on a number of occasions. On one of his last mouthfuls he asked what was in the bread, and I replied it was seeds. "Ah, that's why I don't like it daddy - it's the seeds".
I then explained how seeds were good, and that we grew our carrots from seeds, and beans, tomatoes and so on.
He then sat there and meticulously picked off several seeds before I asked what he was doing.
"I'm saving seeds daddy, so we can grow some more bread".
*cue massive man melting*
I then explained how bread was really made (even though he knew this having made bread on several occasions), and he then asked me what the seeds on the bread would grow into.
Makes me smile does that boy.