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Suggestions for stickies?


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  • Suggestions for stickies?

    As a newbie to both this forum and veg growing, I have been aware that I am constantly looking for info on how my veg should look every step of the way.

    Not wanting to step on anyones toes, I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to have some stickies with peoples photos showing different veg at the various stages? That way, all the newbies would have a point of reference. Of course people can still ask questions, it is just sometimes a photo says a million words.

    I am often at a loss what my seedlings should look like when germinating, when a little bigger, when flowering etc. Also transplanting at what size etc.

    Any thoughts?


  • #2
    Hi Shelle, welcome to the vine. It would be impossible to post that many pictures on the vine, covering all the stages of growth of every plant we're all trying to grow. I have a few reference books that I use all the time. Reader's Digest Gardening Year, and Dr Hessayon's books (particularly the Vegetable Expert). They're excellent, and other grapes may be able to recomment others. It's great having a reference book that you can just dip into as and when you need it.


    • #3
      Good point Shelle, but as has been said - a tall order. Many grapes are shy and don't want to post their pics. Also how many others want to see a pic of a lettuce seedling. Some grapes are on dial up and maybe pics are just an annoyance to them. And everybody is interested in different things.
      Anyway, will think about it and see if there is anything generally useful I could post that would draw useful posts from others.
      If you asked for specific pics I think grapes would oblige.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Hi shelle and welcome to the Vine! I think rustylady has got it covered - the Dr Hesayonn book (excuse spelling!) is excellent - it was my bible last year and this - in fact, its in permanent use on my lottie. I keep nipping into my shed to have a read as to what I should be doing and the spacing on planting - everyone else (I hope!) thinks Im an expert! I wish! Good luck with yours and do keep everyone updated on what you are doing! Best wishes.
        Bernie aka DDL

        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


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