Week 11 Challenge
Paint the Toolshed
I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time in February 2008 when a plotholder at the Hill asked me if I'd like their old toolshed as they were replacing it with something larger. I jumped at the opportunity, and they were kind enough to dismantle it and drop it at my plot for me to reassemble.
In the subsequent five years it has had - er - one application of fence preservative, so I guess that it is not surprising that it is looking a bit shabby.
The weather today has been the best of the year so far - although that's not saying an awful lot - with glimpses of sunshine too, so after nipping into Wilko for a tub of preservative, and making sure I had a big fence painting brush, I headed off to the Hill.
Inspecting the shed in more detail, it really is feeling it's age - some of the nails holding the planking in place have disappeared or are loose, some of the wooden pieces hold the roof felt in place are rotten, and frankly, one good slam of the door is in danger of reducing the whole thing to a pile of kindling.
I hammered (gingerly!) some of the nails in more firmly (although this has somehow meant that the door is harder to close properly), and turned to the tub of preservative.
I nearly fell at the first hurdle here as I struggled to get the lid off, but got there in the end, and got painting. After the first side was completed, I remembered why I've only done this job once in five years - it is incredibly tedious. However, the end result is marvelous, in the circumstances, and it looks very much smarter.
Before pics:
After pics:
So week 11 challenge: done!
Paint the Toolshed
I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time in February 2008 when a plotholder at the Hill asked me if I'd like their old toolshed as they were replacing it with something larger. I jumped at the opportunity, and they were kind enough to dismantle it and drop it at my plot for me to reassemble.
In the subsequent five years it has had - er - one application of fence preservative, so I guess that it is not surprising that it is looking a bit shabby.
The weather today has been the best of the year so far - although that's not saying an awful lot - with glimpses of sunshine too, so after nipping into Wilko for a tub of preservative, and making sure I had a big fence painting brush, I headed off to the Hill.
Inspecting the shed in more detail, it really is feeling it's age - some of the nails holding the planking in place have disappeared or are loose, some of the wooden pieces hold the roof felt in place are rotten, and frankly, one good slam of the door is in danger of reducing the whole thing to a pile of kindling.
I hammered (gingerly!) some of the nails in more firmly (although this has somehow meant that the door is harder to close properly), and turned to the tub of preservative.
I nearly fell at the first hurdle here as I struggled to get the lid off, but got there in the end, and got painting. After the first side was completed, I remembered why I've only done this job once in five years - it is incredibly tedious. However, the end result is marvelous, in the circumstances, and it looks very much smarter.
Before pics:
After pics:
So week 11 challenge: done!
