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52 Week Challenge - week by week through 2013
That says Week 2 when I link to it, Hazel.
I think it was mid October/Halloween time when I wasn't sleeping and wrote it all out. I've just been searching for the diary but that has been spirited away in the pre-Christmas-visitors tidy up.
I know I completed things like getting ready for Hallowe'en, deciding what pumpkins to do, finishing stuff for the craft fair, finishing my commissions, finishing my sewn Christmas gifts. I just can't remember what else was on the post.Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
Originally posted by julesapple View PostThat says Week 2 when I link to it, Hazel.
I think it was mid October/Halloween time when I wasn't sleeping and wrote it all out. I've just been searching for the diary but that has been spirited away in the pre-Christmas-visitors tidy up.
I know I completed things like getting ready for Hallowe'en, deciding what pumpkins to do, finishing stuff for the craft fair, finishing my commissions, finishing my sewn Christmas gifts. I just can't remember what else was on the post.
Originally posted by julesapple View PostRight!!! Ready for this?
1. Get the DD & fianc� moved house.
2. Sort DD's leftover junk in attic.
3. List said junk on ebay.
4. Finish jumper started waaay back last year.
5. Get new website started (total fail)
6. Make vintage style dresses
7. Resize all long time cut out garments and make up.
8. Make cream cheese.
9. Make laundry detergent liquid
10. Make cream of celery soup from scratch(must do this again this week!)
11. Make celeriac gratin.
12. Re-wallpaper the hall & landings.
13. Read Malcolm Kendrick's Great Cholesterol Con (actually a funny read!)
14. Start Dutch lessons
15. Stove top and ovens deep cleaned
16. Made cream of celery soup, finally!
17. Start posh frock for holiday concert.
18. Make chocolate bars for Easter
19. Painted a 'Street' for gas fitter training.
20. Tidied workroom - mammoth task.
21. Clean & polish huge bedroom mirrors.
22. Made a skirt from scratch - even the pattern.
23. More ebay listings!
24. Start sewing for holidays
25. Update cat photos and take new ones.
26. Get outside and bin all the rubbish stored in the alleyway!!
27. Start growbags for salad crops & radishes
28. Made laundry detergent powder instead of liquid.
29. Tidied the pond and installed new pump.
30. Finish making skirts.
31. Learned to sew bound buttonholes - very posh!
There's a sizeable gap in my diary here, because the BH was in hospital after a fall, and then we went to Holland.
32. Sort out the chook garden, and make new exciting things for them to explore.
33. Getting a suntan for the first time in thirty years! yay!
34. Make the cushion promised to the Secret Girlfriend for her birthday back in April!
35. Ten days shopsitting, lots of cushions made to demonstrate shop fabrics.
36. Finish mapping the bathroom. Love vintage maps.
37. Made Tomato & Mint Chutney.
38. Sort out the extraordinary amount of junk in bedroom and bin/charity shop/recycle it all.
39. Midnight picnic at The Spot.
40. Sort out digital photos and put onto discs/hard drive
41. Clean out the undersink cupboard - bleurgh....
42. Decide what pumpkins to make for Halloween
43. Start on the low-carbing again, chubby!
44. Tried out home made surface cleaner (vinegar & lemon) - Fail, place reeks like the chipper.
45. Get sorted for Halloween
46. Get chooks ready for winter, de-mite house, take preventative measures for scaly legs.
47. Massively prune rose & creeper above livingroom window.
48. Start Chr****as shopping
49. Sort out study.
50. Take study junk to tip, and shedloads of blue & white china to charity shop.
51. Ditto boxes of Chr****as decs
52. Bleach the window frames - yuck!
53. Make a fox scarf.
54. Ok, now try a raccoon scarf
55. Catch up on commissions.
I have done all of my challenges, some were successes, others a total failure. Most were not done in the order in which I wrote them down as real life gets in the way.....but I did enjoy the journey!
Still to do;
Finish that bl**dy table dawdler....
Get ready for Christmas
Survive same
Ignore MS - you're still the same person!
I know I fell off the wagonbut I did write it all in my diary. I have become a journal keeper quite by accident and have decided to keep it up. It might be important to me in the years to come.
Ok, the only thing I didn't do was the raccoon scarf. At least, I haven't made it - I do have the theoretical pattern in my head and the fabric in my workroom.
Hey! I didn't do too badly.
PS I even got a beautiful leather-bound journal and a posh new fountain pen from Santa.Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
Hazel,to link to a post number (in this case 1063) right click the number in the top right corner,left click .. Copy Link Location,then paste into your post .... .... <<<there you go JulesHe who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
Thank you BB!
Do you know, I can't believe it's a year since it all started. Gosh...just seems like 5 minutes ago!Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
Originally posted by bearded bloke View PostTempus Fugit as it says on some clock faces Jules
Attached Files
It was only a short scooter ride HazelI did once see a clock face with (in latin) time passes quickly (at the top) never to return (at the bottom) IIRC the quote was attributed to .. Virgil
He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity
"Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus" Georgica, Virgil.
"Meanwhile, the irreplaceable time escapes"
Indeed it does.Jules
Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?
♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥
Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)
2013 52 week Challenge - The END
Congratulations to those who completed the Challenge every week or whenever you could. I'm really proud of you all and the innovative ideas you've hadI've enjoyed doing my little Challenges too.
I'm standing down now and its over to you if you want to start another Challenge thread for 2014.Don't all rush
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