Reminds me, must give the bike a service, sigh
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Suffering with the fags
Keep going redser, you know you can do it.
Every hour that passes is another hour you are free from nicotene.
I gave them up, cold turkey several years ago. Like you, i had a young family and didn't want them to smoke when they grew up. Best example you can show them is not to smoke in front of them.
Best of luck.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Thanks bramble. I was hiding it from them but the eldest nearly caught me a few times. Rediculous situation. It is getting easier by the day. My sense of smell is coming back much stronger. I put on a coat I hadn't worn in a few weeks this morning. Took it straight off and threw it in the machine. peeyew, the smell of stale smoke. Embarassing to think other people smelled that. I wouldn't be a vain person but it does look like I got a bit of a faceliftThat light beetroot colour has gone out of my face.
Originally posted by bramble View PostrBest example you can show them is not to smoke in front of them.
Best of luck.
Like I said before Redser, my kids didn't ever remember me smoking. When they were about 10 yo a friend who smoked was minding them and they were giving her the 'You shouldn't smoke it's bad for you' talk. When I came home she asked me why I had been lying to them? Well I hadn't, it's just that it had never come up, since they'd never seen me with a smoke, or in a photo with one.
One of the teen boys started smoking, but kept it from me until he was trying to give up. We had a chat about how hard it is, and that sometimes you just need to keep trying.......and how it is not going to be good for his 'used to have asthma'.Ali
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Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!
One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French
Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club
Originally posted by redser View PostYes you sound like a right cow. Trying to save your husband's life by buying him a new car. Glad I'm not married to you.The written word cannot always be interpreted in the way it was meant by the writer. I really don't mind if you think I'm a cow, but my intention is for him to focus on the benefits of giving up, like a reward system. Is that wrong?
(This isn't an argument - it's a genuine question as to whether I'm going about this the right way.)Last edited by Glutton4...; 30-01-2013, 01:53 PM.All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
Sorry, in all seriousness he probably cant be forced or coaxed into it and needs to want to quit. I remember a time when my wife used to badger me about quitting. The more she went on the more I dug my heels in. It was like it had to be my thing and I resented that she didn't understand it wasn't like switching off a light bulb. She never smoked. After that, occasionaly she'd ask if I had thought any more about it and I'd brush it off and say soon.
But maybe if he really wants this car it could be a great incentive. If he can get to 2 weeks off them, then let's go shopping sort of thing.
Oh, well, to put the record straight, I am actually quite a cow!
He has given up twice, for four months each time, then seems to hit a wall. This probably isn't helping you at all, and I'm really sorry if it appears that I'm 'rubbing it in' but, like your Wife, I've never smoked, and I really really cannot understand how someone can say they don't want to give up! I'm not usually narrow-minded, in fact, I'm quite the opposite most of the time. But this smoking business makes me wanna bang my head on the wall, especially at the 'digging your heels in' part. I'm just not getting it.
Anyway, that's enough of my rambling - it's not about me and my poor brow-beaten HusbandHow's it going?
All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.
It's going fine actually. Been keeping a low profile so haven't even smelled others smoke in over a week. I hit that wall too before. It's cockiness because you think you've beaten it and can take just one no bother. Well you can't.
Quitting the smokes is a bit like losing an old friend. Every little thing, every little action is wrapped around them and there's a big hole left over every time you go to do something without them. Thing is you can just pop to a shop and buy a new box/friend. Oh and it's also physically satisfying to smoke. Why can't they just be good for you!?
Originally posted by redser View PostOh and it's also physically satisfying to smoke. Why can't they just be good for you!?
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